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Y/n's POV

" what are you going to do with the rest of your day y/n-chan?" Reiju-neesan asked

" work " was all what i said before leaving to work

I said i was going to work but...
I was collecting information about the big mom pirates to try and find out what they're up to

" hehhehe i stole their seating plans and the simulation documents for where their soldiers would be positioned " i smiled darkly.


" son of a bitch, i can't think of a anything "

I was gonna give up and go back to work, until a worker came and gave me a file saying he just got his hands on a copy of something pudding wanted to show her mom

" why didn't this come earlier "
I opened the file and started inspecting it, it was a report for an experiment, pudding was trying on a gun, she wrote that the gun shots were able to pierce through reiju-neesan!!

" what the fuck "
I checked the report's date and it was an hour ago, it was getting really late now.

' Damn you big mom, you smart crazy bitch!
You want to destroy the whole germa 66 kingdom and take over its technology? Well fuck you can do that you damn yonko '

" where is king judge ?" I asked a soldier
" judge-sama is currently drinking with his sons"
" where "
" a-are you sure you want to go y/n-sama?"
" just talk "

I went there and was about to open the door till i heard niji's voice " i know! That girl named nami right ? I like strong minded girls like that!"
I froze in my place

" i heard she's already been caught by big mom
i'll ask her if we can have that girl tomorrow "

I didn't cry, i just left
' all of you should just get killed tomorrow, your fault that your all too fucking stupid to form an alliance with the big mom '

Third person's POV

" you know she was out the door listening, your wife i mean " yonji said

Niji started smirking " exactly why i said that " he said jugging sake down his throat with some of it dripping down his chin and neck.

( yeah i had to do that)

It was sanji's and pudding's wedding day, y/n was still working in her lap, while the other vinsmokes slept.

Y/n went and had breakfast, she was alone since the others were hungover and reiju was still recovering from the ' stray bullet '.

Y/n's POV

I went back to my room to take a rest, took a shower and a 2 hours nap, i got up to get ready for the wedding.

I was putting make-up on only wearing my black skirt and my bra, i looked shittier than yesterday, ' i hope reiju-neesan escapes at least' i thought remembering that this was my last day alive ' i'm too young to die ' i sighed internally

" honestly how dare they try and think of that, i'm too beautiful to die "

" think of what "

'Oh hell nah'

" still not gonna talk?" 'He' asked

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