Weed part 1

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Y/n's POV

' i mean yeah he's hot and tall and masculine and has anger issues and has no emotions and is totally my type and...

God damn it '

I went to the main castle and to my surprise all the vinsmoke siblings were there , even reiju

I was wearing a mini skirt , with a turtleneck shirt , and boots

I sat there and tried to ignore the fact that my husband that I'm married to , and that i'm in love with , which is an asshole , is sitting there as well

I ,as always, was reading a book

" long time no see y/n-chan , how was the mission with niji ? " reiju asked crossing her arms

" oh it . Was . Amazing " i said while closing the book
" I tried this food called ramen and it was flavourful and slurpy , i also bought some new books , and some clothes "

" everything was awesome except the fact that niji always had something to say about what ever i tried or tried on " i hissed his way
He grinned 'bitch'

Reiju chuckled softly " i'm glad you liked it , did everything go well ?"

" well everything did go well until some asshole decided to overreact at the last few hours there " i crossed my arms and looked away

" why what happened? " yonji asked completely not caring

" first at least try to act like you care , second ask him he is right here " i pointed at niji

" it was your fault shorty "
" even if it was , you were a jerk "
" he's always a jerk " ichiji said

" if anybody's a jerk it's yonji " niji argued
" what the fuck , it's not my problem why don't you just complain about your stubborn wife "
" i am not stubborn " i said defending my self

" and all three of you are jerks by the way "
" i have nothing to do with this " ichiji argued

And this kept going on and on for several minutes, somebody complains about somebody , and that somebody complained about somebody else in defence

This continued until reiju spoke

" since you all are not getting along , we are going to play a game " reiju put her hands together while shocking us all

" what no " both yonji and niji refused
" yes no am not playing with them "
" leave me out of this " ichiji tried escaping

Then we went at it again, we kept complaining

" all of you are going to play , ok? " reiju said smiling, but she looked scary , so we all agreed

" we'll be playing truth or dare " she mused
" oh hell no" yonji looked mad
" what's that " i asked and they were drop dead silent

" you don't know what that is ? You never played it in your childhood shorty ?"
" yes jerk "

Reiju explained the game to me while she was doing that , niji jugged a bottle of sake so we could play with it
' dude tf '

Reiju spun the bottle , it landed reiju and me , reiju was the one to ask

" ok y/n-chan ~ truth or dare "
" oh hell no i'm not choosing truth i am pretty sure you have some scary questions , dare "

" what a shame ok then , i dare you to guess all our powers "

" oh ok that's actually not bad , ah about your powers i only know reiju-san's , as i recall your the only devil fruit user , you use poison right?" She nodded

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