Out of control

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Y/n's POV

I definitely got drunk on my birthday night , after I opened my present from niji , i felt like celebrating so, i drank a lot , and when i say a lot i mean it , and ate chocolate, actually not only chocolate there is a lot of stuff on the ground and bed , damn my head hurts

I was only wearing my black undies , i stood up and wore a cardigan over , I tried looking for painkillers but i couldn't find them ' that's weird I always put them here '

" looking for this " i turned around and saw niji holding the painkillers i was looking for

' wtf why is it always that this dude appears out of nowhere, and why tf does he have those in hand '

" would you kindly hand that over , I'm dying here " i said reaching to him
I wasn't fully conscious actually, my mind was kinda blurry, i don't even remember what happened last night

" sure since i liked your choice of clothing "
" well that's weird you never-...

Now i was fully conscious, I grabbed the painkillers, grabbed some clothes and locked the bathroom door

When I opened the door and went back to the bedroom niji was still there , and of course i was blushing, i don't know if it was because of the gift , or because he saw me in my under garment

" i thought you won't be back till lunch time " I tried changing the subject
" it's way past lunch time shorty , in fact it's dinner time " niji grinned

" wait what , oh nonono don't be silly "
" it's 7p.m. Woman "
" WHAT , SHIT i was supposed to be working " i cried

" guess you were hungover and decided to stay in bed , what kind of an idiot drinks on a work night anyway " niji snickered

" uh you niji , you drink nearly everyday " I frowned
" yeah but i don't get drunk, anyway hurry up let's go eat I'm starving " he motioned to me to follow him , and he just went, well I followed him actually since i was also starving

The next day something unexpected happened. , when i went for breakfast reiju-neesan said that my father was waiting for me , he wanted me to go back with him for some time because he wanted me to help him with work

I knew that wasn't true , i knew that i was going with him to help him relieve his anger , and he did look angry, he was definitely gonna go all out on me

Niji's POV

It has been a month since that woman went back to her father's kingdom, judge kept complaining about how she was supposed to stay here and work

Apparently the lab actually needed her , the other scientist kept a lot of work undone because they didn't know what to do

" hey niji " it was yonji who called
" what's up ?"
" judge wants a report on your mission , he's kinda mad he says it's enough that y/n isn't here "
" well nobody knows why she's not back yet , it's because of her father, he shouldn't blame her " I honestly didn't know why i was defending her

" after your report, why don't you come drinking with me , i got some hot sluts waiting " yonji snickered

" i'll pass " I frowned
" you're really weird man , you haven't slept with a girl for more than two months now , well non of my business " and with that yonji left

I gave that damn king his report and was going back to my room to grab my den-den-mushi and call that woman, then a soldier came and said " niji-sama , y/n-sama is back and she's in your room , she said she'd appreciate it if you didn't go there for some time " he bowed and left

" as if I'm going there right now"

I went and barged in " hey woman , what is the meaning of this , you're gone for a month and then you say you want to stay alone in our room and expect me to not come in " I complained

'That damn woman isn't even looking at me ' that made me lose my nerve

" look at me when I'm talking to you " she still didn't turn back to face me
I went closer and grabbed her shoulder " i said loo- "

When i looked at her face i was shocked she looked horrible, her lips were cut , she had a black eye , and several cuts on her face and neck

She instantly flinched
" who did this to you "

" who did this to you woman "
" n-nobody i just f-f-fell down the s-stairs that's all " she tried looking away

I grabbed her wrists and cornered her
" do you think i'm stupid? I'll ask you this again, who did this to you woman ?" I clenched my jaw

" n-niji please your hurting me " she started tearing, i looked at her wrists , they were bruised as if she had been cuffed roughly

" WHO DID THIS TO YOU " i shouted and she flinched again

" this is the last time i ask y/n who did this "
" m-my f-father" after she said that she started crying
I released her and stepped back ' i'm gonna kill him ' I promised my self

She instantly hugged me and started sobbing hard , I stiffened, but after a while i hugged her back

" p-please niji , p-please " she begged
" i'll kill him "
" n-no , p-please j-j-just don't t-tell an-yone " she hugged me harder

" ok , now you better sleep , or i'll nock you unconscious my self, i'll tell judge your sick and won't be able to work for a while " i threatened


I walked out of the room , went to judge, told him that she's sick , and said that'll go out of the kingdom for a while

" you prepare a ship "

Y/n's POV

After niji told everyone i was sick , I expected to see no one , but reiju-neesan apparently didn't buy it

She came the next day to my room and saw my face , I didn't tell her why and she didn't ask , i just started crying and she hugged me and tried to comfort me

After a week , the bruises started recovering, so i used the new technology i had in hand , and covered the rest of the bruises, well actually I covered my whole face , since it was a mask

There was no information about where niji went, or when he's gonna come back , the only thing we know , that he took two men and went

He came back two weeks later , and he looked amused

"N-niji , where have you been ?" I asked concerned
" i went and met your father "
" what ?! Why?" I freaked out , why would he go and see my father

" let's just say he won't be hitting you anymore " he grinned
" what do you mean ? What did you do niji ? What did you tell him " i started asking him alot of questions

" relax , i killed him "
" w-what ?!"

" i killed your father , y/n"

Chapter 11 Well niji is out of control ~

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Chapter 11
Well niji is out of control ~

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