Vinsmoke Sanji

638 22 8

Third person POV
" YOUR SANJI ?!" Y/n yelled pointing at the blonde man

" yes y/n , as expected " reiju chuckled
" y/n-sama, yonji-sama is in your lab , he says it's urgent " a soldier interrupted

" yonji-saaaan , damn it , i-i'll be right back " y/n whined and ran off

" what, what is ...
BAHAHAHAHA WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR FACE SQUISHED HAHAHA " y/n burst into tears from laughing when she saw yonji's face

" OH MY GOD MY STOMACH, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU " she said holding her stomach

" shut up and fix it , it was that damn sanji " yonji growled
Y/n stopped laughing and wiped away her tear " s-sanji-san did that ? YOU DESERVE IT BAHAHAHAHA " y/n started rolling on the ground

" IF YOU STOP LAUGHING I'LL PAY YOU " yonji yelled out of frustration

Then y/n stopped laughing immediately, brought a check , and made yonji sign it

" anyway i'll try first with a hammer " while doing that , yonji kept muttering and cursing sanji

" yeaahh that's not working, let's try that machine over there , stop bitching and stay still " y/n said
" i am not bitching " yonji grew angrier
" ok "

" done , unfortunately now you look normal , now i'll be going unless , you have something else ?"
Y/n said that but didn't even bother to hear yonji , she just went back to reiju and sanji

" HII , sanji-san " y/n exclaimed happily
When sanji saw her , his eyes instantly turned into hearts and he started dancing around her

Sanji took her hand and kissed her " what is a beautiful lady like you doing here in this shitty place "

Y/n's POV
'NOW THAT was hot'
" w-well thank you , and to answer your question i'm"
' not gonna say that shitheads wife '
" i'm the head scientist here , and yes it is shitty "

"  and what's your name malady "
" y/n "

" ah stop your making me blush " i said covering my mouth and waving at sanji

" wait aren't you a chef ? The chef that works on the mugiwara's ship right ?"

" i am indeed malady "
" how charming " i said clapping my hands

After chatting with sanji-san for some time,I was standing in the balcony with him, niji and ichiji came back from their mission and they were being greeted
"Tch , all that is not necessary at all , shitheads
What do you say ? Sanji-san" i looked over at him , he was trembling while looking at them

" a-are you ok ? Is there anything i can do ?"
" it's ok , y/n-chan " he smiled warmly at me , but i knew something was wrong , something definitely happened in the past , nobody wanted to tell me , and every time i asked niji he'd always leave me hanging

Sanji-san was different from them , he was kind , he had emotions

Niji's POV

' That damn woman what the fuck is 'I don't forgive you ' bet your ass you did '

' she better stop acting like a child after i give her that ' i thought grinning at the idea of her when she knows I bought her a new book , nerds like her love books

' hope we fuck after '

Me and ichiji stopped the war in brock collie completely after four hours, now we were being welcomed back by some mere soldiers " why isn't he coming out to greet us ?"
" stop, niji "

Vinsmoke niji x reader ( royalty) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt