His chocolate

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It has been two weeks now since you started living with the vinsmokes , and you realised that niji wasn't a complete asshole <3
He was much more , an arrogant, prideful, small minded tall bitch

You seriously thought the only good thing about him is his looks and you would never admit that , never

That man would never leave you in peace, never .like that one time you were reading at the garden and he just got back from a mision with yonji

Niji thought it would be funny if he threw a rock at you to get your 'attention', he broke your arm .
" are you that fucking stupid " you shouted at him
" oh come on it's your fault why didn't you dodge that it was visible even to you " he said complaining as if it really was your fault

A tick mark appear" fyi not everybody is a power monster with no feelings , and it was definitely not my fault YOU THREW A ROCK AT ME , YOU BROKE MY FUCKING ARM "

" it was a big one how could you not see it " niji argued

" please tell me your not for real "
" i am for real "
"You know what , if someday i wanted to kill myself I'd climb all the way to your arrogance , and fall down to your iq , shithead " and you stood proudly

Niji was speechless " you damn bi-...

" argument score
Y/n : 1
Niji : 0
Well that's a start niji "
Yonji wrote down interrupting niji

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING " both y/n and niji shouted at yonji
" keep counting yonji " ichiji was definitely amused
" you deserved that niji " you were glad that reiju was at least by your side.

' ah what a beautiful day , niji is out of site '
You sipped your coffee happily

" you know what , i want chocolate " you called someone " hey you , yeah you i want you to bring me every single chocolate bar you have "
" b-but y/n-sama they're niji-sama's favorite snack don't you think he might be a little mad if you ate all of his chocolate " the guy said nervously

" idc it's also my fav and that would be amazing if it pissed him of , in-fact it would be perfect, cmon bring them all "

You sat reading a book and enjoying 'your' chocolate bars while yonji was watching you like you were doing something insane
" you do know that's his chocolate bars right? "
" yeah yeah , they're quite delicious actually i might eat them everyday "

" you do know he's gonna me pissed off right ?"
" kinda the point yonji-san"

"Hah i like you woman , your fun "
" thank you and it's y/n not woman "

"Well y/n it seems like we'll be having a good time "
Yonji was definitely planning something mischievous

" I can't wait " you both started smirking with evil thoughts filling your minds

" you know yonji-san your kinda less of an asshole than your brothers " you said as if complementing
" ah well ... you know that's not a compliment right, but thanks i guess " yonji was confused

" oh don't worry it's a compliment, since I'm saying your less of an asshole compared to your brothers "

" y/n your saying I'm less of an asshole but am still kinda of an asshole " he said frowning
" well you can't deny that can you " you took a big bite of the chocolate bar in your hand

" anyway i know you hate niji for obvious reasons but why do think ichiji is an asshole i mean of course he is , actually he's a really big asshole but I don't think you two talk much " yonji tried to ignore the fact that he was an asshole

" well you yourself can't deny that , he just seems so full of himself, actually all of you but he has it the most , like come on the dude doesn't even talk much to me does he think he's something  higher than me or something , god how much i'd love to shove my leg up his ass " you complained while eating another big chunk

Yonji started laughing loudly about what you just said he thought it was amazing " you have no boundaries do you y/n"

"Yes you obviously have no boundaries " Ichiji said while taking a seat next to both of you
" oh shit did he  hear  that " you thought you were talking to yourself  but you didn't know you were talking loudly
" yes y/n i heard that " ichiji smirked
" tf can this dude read my mind or something" you were confused af at this point

" your talking loudly y/n" yonji pointed out

" well oops i guess " you said not giving a shit

" and about me thinking i'm higher than you " ichiji began ' ah shit here we go again ' you rolled your eyes

" well you are right i do think that since your just a random princess with no intelligence " well wow he knows how to piss you off
" oh am sorry but your wrong I'm actually a scientist and a doctor, well a surgeon to be exact ichiji-san " you smiled at his face while saying that and you felt some joy after seeing the surprised look on his face.

"Your 20 tf " yonji made a weird confused face
" well you could say i had a lot of free time " you said enjoying 'your' chocolate

" well then miss scientist why don't you work at germa's lab I'm sure the king would love new technology and improvements " reiju said as she interred the room
" oh yes i'd love to do my researches and experiments in a lab and not behind someones back " 'shit ' you slapped your mouth with your hand when you realised you said too much

" what do you mean 'behind someones back' " ichiji was the one that asked
" well? " reiju added
" ahem i wasn't allowed to work at our kingdom's lab so i used to work behind my father's back heh " you tried saying that as casually as you could

" what are you eating woman " niji interred
' oh great he kinda saved me from any other questions' you were kinda thankful

" the last chocolate bar " you said happily

" that's mine "
" I can't see your name on it tho "
"I'll kill you "
" your nice , btw do you want if I'll gladly hand it over to you " you said blinking a few times innocently
" just give it to me women " he said while stretching his arm and opening his hand so you can hand it over

Well you didn't , you licked the last chocolate bar
" how dare you , that's disgusting "
" oh well "
" I can't wait till your 6 feet underground "
" ah same to you "
" fuck you "
" not even on your birthday sweetheart "

And you both kept yelling at each over while yonji kept counting

Argument score
Y/n : 35
Niji : 17

Chapter four heh~
Nah but fr chocolate is my favourite especially if it has caramel inside it

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