“That's not funny ellie, you know once you are 17 and finally introduced as the crown princess and heir to the kingdom you must marry”

“Plus you can still practice with your blade, there's nothing wrong with having strength and smarts,” she said, giving me a smirk, shoving a large bite of cake into her mouth in what I would call a very un lady-like way.

We sat and enjoyed our tea in silence for a bit when my personal maid Ella came up with a tray of letters for mother.

“Oh thank you Ella dear, would you like a cookie?” mothers kind smile looking up at ella who gladly accepted the cookie who smiled right back at her giving her a curtsy, “thank you your grace.”

“What are those??” i was very curious,

“These my love are propositions for your hand” she said as if it was nothing , i looked back at her i know my eyes must be bigger then the plates on the table .

“B..But mother, I'm not even 17 yet i don't understand” i trailed off “it feels too soon” i added staring off into the garden because if i looked at mother right now the threat of tears was very real. My entire life no matter how much freedom I was granted I always remembered in the back of my mind that in the end I was to be some man's prize, I would never truly be free.

“Ellie? Are you okay?” mother called to me with concern heavy in her tone,

“Yes I'm fine just feeling a bit tired, maybe our game wore me out more than i thought” i plastered a hopefully believable smile on my face as i ran my hand through my unruly mop.  

“Okay darling go rest up it seems we may be hosting a guest for a while” mother spoke in dismissive tone as she intently looked over one of the letters, it was a dark purple almost black color the wax seal was a steely sliver with what looked like the crest of the iron blood.

“Don't work yourself too hard my queen” I teased to lighten her sudden mood change and stood up then  gave her a quick peck on the cheek rushing out before she decided I should stay to keep her company instead of resting. 

Mother laughed lightly and swatted at me in a playful manner i raced out of her garden into the large mezzanine that led to the greathall, the mezzanine had a large stained glass dome that depicted the stars and heavens and on the floor directly below it was a stone mosaic that showed the entire kingdom.

It was a sight to behold during the daylight hours. I love to lay on the cold stone floor and let the light warm golden sunray wash over my body. This was my happy place. I could spend hours laying under the magnificent  dome.

Mother did tell me to rest so maybe i could just take a quick cat nap under the sun.

Deciding that this was the easiest place to rest, I laid down on the cold stone and looked up to the glass mapping every star speaking softly, each constellation's name I spoke like you would to a lover, my favorite being the constellation Earadanea the lonely drake or dragon.  its bright surface lulled me as my eyes started to close and I drifted to sleep under the warm light. Maybe I was as tired as I claimed in the garden.

I was having a lovely dream hunting an elk on horseback with my bow pulled tight and an arrow already notched when I felt a light gentle drumming on my face  followed by giggles.

“Lady Elowen?? Lady Elowen?? You've done it again” the singsong voice teased,

I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it belonged to.

Even with my eyes shut i could see her night kissed skin the color of hematite and her golden eyes that remind me of the sun with her light blonde hair only one shade darker than my own with the most beautiful curls you’ve ever seen, my lady in waiting and bestfriend since birth lady Breena.

War Of The Crows Realm Of Blood And Magic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant