The Show Must Go On

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*Enjoy the Chapter*

The field disappears

Sora: If the duel hadn't been interrupted, those guys might've won control of the school

Y/N comes out

Zuzu: Y/N hey!

Y/N: Huh? Oh, hey guys

Allie: You were amazing out there!

Tate: Yeah, for a minute there, I thought we were about to lose the school

Y/N: Well it ended in a no contest, so I think I deserved that win

Then Yuya fell on his knees

Yuya: How did he Pendulum Summon? I just don't understand. That's my thing

Y/N: Um... Yuya?

Zuzu: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, man. What's the big deal?

Skip: Our school is safe! By forfeit, sure, but I'll take it!

Zuzu: And what happens if they come back to finish what they started?

Skip: Well, uh, that's easy Zuzu. it'll be just like today, we'll show 'em that the You Show Duel School does not mess around

Sora: Considering Y/N was the only one who won, I'd say we do mess around

Tate: Like you have room to talk. You didn't even duel!

Allie: You big chicken!

Frederick: The You Show Duel School has no need for you

Sora: Just making an observation

Then Sora left the Duel School

Skip: Uh... Hang on Sora, come back. That wasn't a nice thing to say, you guys

Frederick: But you heard what he said

Allie: He called us losers!

Tate: Well, the next time the Leo Institute barges in, you can sign me up to the battle

Frederick: Me too

Allie: Me three!

Tate: So keep showing us your Pendulum moves and when they come back, we'll be ready

Yuya: They aren't my moves, don't you get it?!

Then Yuya pushes Tate away, but luckily Skip grabs Yuya's arm

Skip: What's with the attitude, Yuya? I get that you're upset right now, but... here's the deal, pal. This Pendulum Summoning was never going to be just your thing

(Meanwhile at the Leo institute)

Chief: Mr. President! You're back! Can I get you some coffee, tea, would you like a--

Declan: I'm fine. Just give me a situation report

Chief: Right, well... the latest incident occurred in Paradise City's NLD 38 District. At precisely 5:54 p.m., our systems detected a powerful summoning

Henrietta: And the summoning method?

Chief: It was Xyz

Henrietta: Yuya doesn't have the ability to Xyz Summon, but only Y/N does, does he?

Declan: He's already ruled out. We were with him when this event happened. It wasn't him. But let's continue to monitor him and the You Show Duel School

The Future Duelist (Yu-Gi-Oh X Future Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now