Chapter 12

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I felt like eveything was in slow motion and moving backwards as I tried not to fall over.

"Excuse me..what?" I was confused and angry at the same time.

He could be lying has been out of our lives for quite some time and that would explain a lot.

"It's true" mom said.

I looked at her and my brothers and dad..they all looked just as angry and hurt as I was.

"This has to be some sort of joke" my youngest brother said.

"It's not. And please just let me explain before you all decide to leave me. Just let me explain everything" mom said.

"So..when you defended me at the airport..what was that?" I asked.

"I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet because I knew how it would look so I had to make it seem as if I was taking your side" mom said.

"As if? So you weren't really on my side?" I asked angrily as I stood up.

"No honey that's not what I said. I just.." she looked around at everyone else and she noticed Lyla had sat up from her lap.

Lyla looked really really different.

Like she was about to loose her cool at any moment.

"So you didn't think we were mature enough or old enough to understand this? Mom do you know what we've been through for the last few years? And you didn't want to tell us something like this?" Lyla said.

She sounded as if she was about to cry and I walked over to comfort her.

"Yes I know all of that and I apologize to all of you for keeping this from you. It's not as simple as it sounds and I just need some time to explain" mom said.

We all looked at eachother and waited for her to finish.

"I didn't want to hurt our family more than I had already. It's not something I'm proud of the time I was really upset and angry at your father for what he did and I left. That's when I went to Europe the first time and you all didn't see me for some time. That was because while I was there I got remarried to Kason's father and everything was fine for some time. Until he left me for his ex wife and I couldn't handle all of that and the thought that I had left all of you because of something your father did. It wasn't fair to you and I understand how you all feel but I never stopped loving you and I will make up to you all if you let me" mom said.

She didn't look up,just kept her eyes down on the floor and I felt bad for her.

We all softened knowing what mom was referring to and dad looked sad.

"I've apologized to you so many times for that. I wasn't in a good place back then and I have tried to make it up to you" he said.

"Now yes. Then you weren't. When I came to you about it you told me you didnt see the problem with it because we weren't married" mom said.

That was new.

We all looked at dad and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I was young and stupid at the time and I didn't know what I wanted. I apologize once again and I have done better since then. Yes I regret it but i can't change the past" he said.

"Everyone makes mistakes. Remember when we were little and Lyla and I almost broke moms favorite glass set? We knew we wouldn't have been playing like that in the house but we at least told you what had happened and e moved past it" I said.

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