I open the top cupboard and grab a dark flask. "If you can't give me a straight answer, then it's probably best that I don't know about it." I place the flask down on the bench before grabbing the portafilter and sliding it into the coffee grinder slot. "Anywho, I'm going to be out of the house for the next hour or so. Should I expect you two to still be here?"

"That depends on how well our research goes," Bonnie answers before sticking her face into a yellow file.

Ten minutes later I'm heading outside into the brisk weather. A thick layer of clouds presses heavily against the atmosphere making it almost sultry. The wind whispers through my hair as I quickly navigate my way down the stairs. I note that Stefan's car is no longer occupying our driveway, but it is instead replaced with Bonnie's and a familiar black one.

I jump in and buckle up. "Hi."

X nods in my direction subtly. "Good morning, Mari."

He starts driving and I take that as my opportunity to quiz him on my meeting with Klaus. "Do you have any idea as to why he wants to see me?"

"No, I do not." I purse my lips together and play with the elastic part of my flask. "Try not to overthink it. Mr. Mikaelson can sense apprehension from a mile away."

"I can't help but feel apprehension, X. It's easier said than done. I didn't just 'call' him... I cried at him and then called him a coward. You heard the whole train wreck yourself."

"And yet you've called him much worse, but you're still here next to me." He tilts his head in my direction, and I can feel his gaze running over me. "I wouldn't worry about it, okay?" His watchful eyes then return back to the road. "Something tells me that you could do much worse and yet he'd probably let you get away with it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I query. I stop fiddling with my flask and peek over at him. First, Stefan says Klaus is coddling me, and secondly, now this vague inference?

"Take it how you will."

I clench my jaw and look away from him. I opt to direct my stare outside the windshield. What's he trying to say? Klaus has a soft spot for me so he lets me get away with things? I frown as I remember all the shit he's done in the name of justice.

He's killed Elena. He's daggered Elijah and Rebekah. I'm locked into a deal with him so he doesn't kill my sister Jen. He's threatened Jeremy and Caroline's life... do I even want to continue listing the things he's done? I guess they don't inadvertently affect my physical well-being, but my mental health? Yeah. They do. A great deal. That's one hell of a soft spot.

"That is so not a concept I want to entertain right now," I groan aloud in irritation. "Why would you even say that?"

X's face remains impassive. "I'm just pointing out that out of everyone in Mystic Falls... he has me watching over you. Not the doppelganger. Not his hybrids. You."

"Oh, please! He only has you watching over me because I'm an Elementalist! I'm something that he can use against people in the future when I inevitably master my powers." He doesn't reply, opting to tap his thumbs on the steering wheel instead. I narrow my eyes at the action. He wants to say something, but he's holding back. "Go on, say what you're thinking."

"I'm not particularly interested in being yelled at again," he gruffly tells me.

A weary sigh leaves my lips and I sink back into my chair. I didn't mean to come off that way.

"X, I'm sorry. Okay?" I reach my hand over the center console and rest it on his arm. "I didn't mean to get so worked up. I just... what you're implying is a huge impending headache for me to wrap my mind around. Everything is already complicated without adding that to the mix. You understand that, right?"

A Choice  | ELIJAH MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now