"I told you you didn't have to worry. I'm fine aren't I?" You grinned sadly at him. Leo pouted.

"Physically speaking, yes, you're fine. Emotionally, you need to tell me what happened." He tapped his foot on the ground.

You exhaled. "I had a great night. We went to dinner, walked around the city a bit, but he got invited to a college party. I could see that he wanted to go so badly so I felt bad and went along. Which was a mistake because he ended up forgetting about me and I just dipped."

"Ah-ha! I don't want to say I told you so, but, I told you so!" Leo exclaimed but you shot him a look.

"I bet you're real happy you were right. Again." Leo stopped his victory cheers and his expression softened.

You felt the empty space next to you on the bed slightly bounce. Leo copied your sad position. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill on Leo's sheets.

"C'mon, give me a smile. That face of yours isn't exactly helping me." He bumped his shoulder to yours, nudging you to basically force your head up. A small tear left your eye and you laughed quietly at Leo's remark, reminding that was what you had said to him before you left.

"I just thought I wouldn't be alone that night. I wanted a change for once instead of just hanging out with you guys every night. And don't get me wrong, I love to spend with you. A-All of you." You stuttered out your last sentence. "But a friend suggested that I'd go out more and pressured me into going on that date. Hell, I didn't even know the guy!"

Leo listened to you patiently, which was quite the opposite of his personality. "Sorry for not listening to you earlier. I knew you were right and I really wanted to stay with you but, I felt bad." Your hands were flopped on your thighs lazily. You had felt a slight pressure on your wrist. Leo squeezed it and gave you a smile.

"It's fine that you don't spend time with us. (Y/N), we are literal talking turtles. That's weird enough. And yeah, it bothers me when you don't spend time with me and I'm sorry I'm too harsh with you. I just miss my person ya' know?" You nodded, wiping away any dry tears.

"But that doesn't excuse my jerk behavior. If you don't want to spend time with us, don't spend time with us. If you don't want to go on blind dates, don't go!" He laughed throwing his hands up. You chuckled and your eyes smiled.

"I just think I'd rather spend my time babysitting you and your brothers. Especially you." You laughed teasingly, smirking his way.

"I behave just fine, thank you! It's Donnie you gotta look after...." Leo mumbled. You cackled into a fit of laughter and help into your side. Tears were formed but they were tears of joy.

"I gotta look after the two of you, knowing how you'd both get when you guys are in charge of dinner." Leo gasps dramatically, gripping his two hand's against his plastron.

"For the record, I was genuinely struggling that time! Dee was just playing mad scientist the whole time!" He recalled the memory. You had remembered you walked in the kitchen and saw the twins in a pile of mess. They claimed to surprise you with a fancy dinner but it clearly had gone terribly wrong.

"That was pretty stupid, huh?" Shaking from keeping in your giggles, you managed to wipe a tear away. Leo face had dropped suddenly and was now facing you with his entire body twisted towards yours.

You stopped your laughter, noticing the blue masked mutant go silent as he stared deeply into you, almost looking like he was hit with Cupid's arrow. "You okay, Leon?"

"I like your eye bags."

"My what?"

"When you smile, your eyes go smaller and there's a slight pouch of skin under them. I like it. I like seeing you happy." He smiled with adoration. He brought his hand and placed it on your cheek, rubbing circles. You gasped at the touch. It was almost like his huge hand was made to be there.

Your eyes blinked up at him. "Leo, those aren't eye bags, dummy. It's called an eye smile."

Leo scoffed, teasing. "Whatever they are, I love it. It's what makes you, you. I also like the real eye bags you got. Makes you look like a cute raccoon." He winked. You shoved him away. "Leo!"

He laughed and brought your head to his chest, patting it softly. "I'm kidding. You look great. Your date outfit is great. I hope you wear something like that when I take you out?" Leonardo was no longer joking. He was now asking.

"Deal. I hope you won't ditch me, Leonardo. I'll kick your ass." You laughed, ignoring the flushed mess on your face.

"Trust me, princess, I ain't leaving now."


eye bags r attractive bc leo said so

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