Chapter 20

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The high pitched noise of the tea kettle sounded. She set down her yarn and stood from her couch. Step by step she made her way to the kettle, taking it off the stove and pouring it in her mug. She watched as her tea bag floated to the top before slowing sinking back down.

Dark swirls of tea filled her cup as she brought it to her lips, she began to blow watching as the steam twirled in the air before dissipating. Then she took a quick sip, feeling the hot liquid swish in her mouth. It was delightful.

"Breaking news! UA High was attacked last night while students were away at camp!" From within her dark apartment, she turned her head to the TV, the only source of light. "There were two dead one, a UA student by the name of Uraraka Ochako, the other, Himiko Toga apart of the League Of Villains. Both of their bodies were no where to be found on scene."

"Him..iko.. Toga..." Her eyes widened.

"The number one hero All Might arrived on scene shortly after the attack, however the Villains escaped hastily with one of the students, Bakugou Katsuki." Pictures of the aftermath appeared on screen, burnt trees and big caverns in the dirt. "As of now the League is on the run with no leads to their whereabouts."

"Shigaraki... what are you up to this time?"

"Hey what are you watching?" A man said approaching from behind her. "Watching something naughty?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes before taking a seat on the couch. She set her mug down on the coffee table and kicked up her feet. "Twice get yourself together." Her voice pierced the air. "The League attacked again."

Twice, his quirk is Double. He can create clones of people and things, the only thing he needs is their measurements.

"Oo that's quite intriguing..." Twice said, resting his elbows on the head of the couch and looking down at Ahmya (Ah-Mia). Her dark skin radiated in the light of the TV, her lips pouted out as she thought.

"They keep being reckless, one day it'll get them all killed." She responded while clicking her tongue. "They're stupid faults equals my extra dirty work, just wait and see, they'll be barging on my doorstep any second now."

"Who'll be barging on your doorstep?" Asked another man appearing from the shadows. Ahmya, startled, bounced up off the couch. This sudden movement caused her beloved mug to wobble and then topple off the table.

"Dammit! Can you guys just stop appearing in my house at random." She boomed. "Tch... what is it now Kurogiri." Ahmya moved her dreads out of her face and crossed her arms, obviously annoyed by their presence.

"Someone has requested you my dear... They need your power Ahmya." She sighed and slapped her palm on her face. Just as she thought.

"Damn you Shigaraki!"


Ding Dong!

"Shigarakiiscoolandsuperpowerful." She blurted, embarrassed even saying that. She could hear Shiggy's staggered breathing behind the door. Kurogiri, Twice and Ahmya were standing out in front of the abandoned bar in the freezing rain. The streets were empty at this time of night, not a single person was in sight.

"Say it slower." Shiggy responded.

"Just let us in, you know it's us." Ahmya said annoyed.

"Do it."

"Shigaraki is cool and super powerful, satisfied? Now let us in."

The door creaked open and the three were pulled in. She regained her footing and shook off the rain. Shiggy, closing the door, turned toward Ahmya.

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