Chapter 37: Home at Last

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Later in the night, Briar and the others have officially moved back to the Ramshackle Dorm, and Leona also remembers to give Briar her medallion back. Everyone else is already asleep, but Briar decides to go out a little for some air.

Briar smiles and says, "There's no place like home, and this is as close as I'll get to one in this world. I'm just glad that we got it back."

She then looks at her medallion and says, "But, I'm really glad to get this back. It really means a lot to me."

Suddenly, glowing green-yellow lights appear again. Briar recognizes it, and soon realizes that he's back.

Right on cue, Tsunotarou appears to greet her.

He says, "Ah. You've returned."

"Oh, hello Tsunotarou. I guess you've already heard, huh," Briar says.

Tsunotarou nods his head and says, "Who would have ever expected you to win a bet with Ashengrotto? For as doe-eyed as you look, you're quite the schemer."

Briar giggles and feels embarrassed, "I suppose, but I had a little help along the way. In fact, your advice also got me there, Tsunotarou?"

"Really?" Tsunotarou asks, a little surprised.

"Yeah. When you told me that gargoyles look dangerous, they can be kind, and that what I see with my own eyes might not be the truth. So thinking about it, I realized that things aren't always what they seem. So it has me thinking if what Azul said and what we saw about the contract is true or not, and remembering other details, I was able to figure things out," Briar explains.

"I see. I wasn't trying to offer some cryptic clue or the like," Tsunotarou says, still a bit surprised.

He then calmly smiles, "Heh. In any case, I'm glad to know this garden will remain nice and quiet. Ashengrotto's calm features contorting in frustration must have been quite the sight. Would that I could have been a fly on the wall."

"Well, I ended up seeing him frustrated after realizing that me and the others kind of tricked Azul the way we did," Briar says.

"That must have been quite the sight," Tsunotarou says.

He then says, "Mm... It seems I had best be returning to my dorm now. I bid you goodnight."

"Goodnight," Briar says.

And with that, Tsunotarou disappears in a flash of light and the green-yellow lights disappear as well. Briar is about to head back inside, but she soon hears footsteps. She turns her head to see the two students from the Disaomnia dorm. She remembers them with Lilia. Silver and Sebek.

"Hmm? Wonder what they're doing?" Briar wonders.

The two soon arrive close to the gates of the Ramshackle dorm and look around.

Silver asks, "Well? Is he here?"

"No, I don't believe he's present in the vicinity," Sebek says.

Then Silver says, "Perhaps he's near the western schoolhouse."

"How could you go on an excursion unescorted?!" Sebek questions, clearly upset, "This is your fault for taking your eyes off of him, Silver!"

"He's not a baby. Personally, I think you're worried to an inordinate degree," Silver says.

But Sebek says, "It won't be so inordinate if something happens to him. You must never relax, even for a second! Or do you not understand the gravity of your duty as a guardsman?! You are lucky that he and Lilia took you in and raised you despite your humanity. Don't you dare forget it!"

Silver sighs and says, "I think we're getting off track..."

And then the two run off.

Confused, Briar wonders, "Hmm, I wonder who they're looking for? The way they're acting, they seem to be looking for a child."

A little later, Briar walks to the hall and plans to head into the room.

She soon hears Grim talking in his sleep in the other room. Aaah... Now that's a whopper of a fish... I can't eat all that..." He purrs and says, "Mrow..."

Briar giggles and then walks into her room, "What an exhausting day... I think it's good to turn in for the night."

Briar then climbs on to her bed and turns herself in.

Briar happily sighs and softly says, "Tsunotarou"

Briar then closes her eyes and is about to sleep for the night. But before she can sleep, the mirror begins to glow.

Confused, Briar says, "Hm...? Is the mirror glowing?"

Curious, Briar leaves her bed and walks towards the mirror. The mirror glows and notices someone knocking on the mirror.

Suddenly, she hears a voice, "...lo? ...ear me? Is anybody there?"

And suddenly, a strange shadowy figure with large round ears appears before her. Then the strange silhouette disappears and the mirror stops glowing.

Stunned, Briar asks herself, "What...just happened?"

Twisted Wonderland Book 3: The Merchant from the DepthsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant