Chapter 12: A Housing Bind

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Briar and the others have been packing their belongings, and suddenly, Briar had this odd feeling. She hears the sound of dripping, and has no clue where it came from.

Sometime later, Briar and the others have all their things together and are down stairs at the foyer with Floyd and Jade

"Are you all set?" Jade questions.

"Yes. We are," Briar says.

Then Floyd happily says, "Peace, Little Shrimpy, Angelfish, twin catfishes, Plankton, and Baby Seal! See you around!

"And if you're in need of lodgings, feel free to come and speak with us. Reservations for guest rooms in Octavinelle Dorm start at 100 thaumarks a night," Jade says.

Jade opens the door and allows the group to walk out. Then slams the door shut. Then the group begins to walk down the stairs.

Hearing the nickname, Grim screams, "Hey! Wait! Say that to my face! NOBODY CALLS ME A BABY SEEEAAAL!"

Suddenly, they feel the wind blowing and it's very cold.

"Brr... Guess we're roughin' it tonight. This stinks," Grim says.

Jasper glares at Grim, "And whose fault is that?!"

"Hey! Don't yell at me! You made it sound like it's my fault!" Grim angrily says.

"It's your fault! You're the one who made a deal with Azul in the first place, just because you, Ace, and Deuce wanted to get good grades! And because of that, we have to break into a museum and take some kind of photo! If we don't, not only will we lose our dorm, but Azul will keep Briar's medallion, and she's going to take the place of 225 people, including you!" Jasper shouts in anger.

Sereia sadly says, "I can't believe we lost our dorm."

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't expect them to kick us out," Briar says.

"So what do we do?" Tanzanite asks.

"Well, it will be best if we find a place to stay for the night," Briar says.

Then Sereia asks sadly, "Briar, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, you're willing to take Grim and the others places, and you gave up your medallion too."

Trinket tinks in sadness and gently hugs Briar's right cheek.

"I know, but I refuse to be discouraged. We'll find a way out of this mess, somehow," Briar says.

"I hope so," Tanzanite says.

Just then, they hear Deuce's voice, "Hey, Briar! Guys!"

The group turns to see Deuce, Ace, and Jack rush over.

"Oh, hey guys," Briar says.

"Myah! Are you guys here to help?" Grim asks, surprised.

Hm... Not to help you, but it's kind of our fault that Briar and the others are out in the cold. It wouldn't sit right with me if you slept outside and caught a cold or somethin'..." Ace says.

Then sighs, "Especially for the big mess we got Briar into?"

"Hmm?" Sereia replies, confused.

The Deuce says, "Jack told us what happened, and Ace and I were especially shocked. I can't believe you're willing to take our and the other students' place, and willing to give up your medallion in the process."

"Yeah. I admit, what you did was completely crazy and reckless, but also kind of brave,," Ace says.

Then Grim asks, "What is it with you and posturin'?"

Then Deuce answers, "We've talked with Housewarden Rosehearts. We can offer you a place safe from the elements if you don't mind sleeping in our four-man freshman dorm room."

"You guys are gonna cram ANOTHER six bodies into a crowded four-man room? What, does Heartslabyul not have any empty rooms?" Jack questions.

"Since nobody in our dorm ever drops out or gets held back, it's always at full capacity," Deuce answers.

"I don't know. Maybe they can stay in our room. I'm willing to squeeze in a little room, especially on my bed," Ace says.

However, Briar crosses her arms and turns her head away, "I'm not sharing a bed with you."

Ace snickers, "Yeah. I thought so. I was just messing with you."

Then Jack suggests, "Then...why don't you come to Savanaclaw Dorm instead?"

"HUH?!" Everyone reacts in surprise.

Then Jack says, "I acted like I was doin' you a favor by sticking around for those negotiations with Azul, but I didn't actually contribute at all. And considering how much we owe you for everything that went down at the Spelldrive tournament, Leona and the others won't make a peep about it."

"Oh-hooo..." Deuce replies.

"Daaang. I never knew you were such a big softie, Jack!" Ace says with a smirk.

Grim smiles, "You learn something new every day!"

Embarrassed, Jack says, "D-don't get me wrong, okay?! I want our next round of exams to be on a level playing field. It's in my best interests for Briar to win that bet with Azul!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," Ace says.

Deuce then turns to the others, "You all will probably sleep way better there anyway."

Yeah, their options at our dorm would be a spot on the floor or sharin' a bed with me or Deuce... Y'know, that IS still on the table. Juuust sayin'..." Ace replies.

"I guess we'll be staying in Savanaclaw then," Tanzanite says.

Ace laughs, "Ha ha! It's cool. I was kidding anyway."

Then Jack says, "Great, then we'd better get back. It's almost midnight as it is..." and lets out a yawn.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," Ace says.

"Have a good night," Deuce replies.

Ace and Deuce soon take their leave.

Sereia asks, "Do you think Leona will be okay with it?"

"Well, it's best for us to go and asks. I'm sure that if we explain our situation, he might not mind letting us stay for a few days," Briar says.

Jasper says, "Don't forget, approaching a lion in his den is dangerous."

"Are you saying that because he's a beastman of a lion?" Tanzanite questions.

"Let's just go and hope we can sleep there for the night," Briar says.

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