Chapter 33: Reduced to Naught

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Back at the Octavinelle Dorm, Azul is starting to get out of control.

Azul turns to one of the students, "You there—give me your lightning magic! And you, give me your athletic ability! Give it all to me! All of it!"

He then uses his magic to take away the students' magic.

A Scarabia student screams, "AAAH!"

And collapses to the ground.

Azul continues to steal the magic from the other students, and all end up collapsing on the ground. Leona and Ruggie are shocked by what they're witnessing.

"What's Azul sucking outta these people?! They're all collapsing after he's done with 'em!" Ruggie asks, shocked.

Leona then says, "Looks like his signature spell sucks EVERY power out of someone if it's not channeled through a contract. I'm betting the contract is like a filter that limits his magic's effects."

"What?! Kinda terrifying, don'tcha think?" Ruggie says, shocked, and is also frightened.

"Yeah. The backlash from using taboo magic like that is gonna exceed his blot tolerance in no time," Leona says.

Soon enough, Briar and the others arrive and are shocked to see the atmosphere of the Octavinelle Dorm changed. The place is now dark purple and it looks very frightening. Jade and Floyd are just as shocked, especially at what Azul is doing to the other students.

Jade calls out, "Azul! What are you doing?!"

Floyd is just as surprised, "Whoa, yikes. What's goin' on here?"

Character Ace

"Dude, this does NOT look good!" Ace says, shocked.

Shocked and concerned, Deuce wonders, "Is Azul going out of control?!"

"Looks like he's sucking different students' powers outta them by force," Jack says.

"Eeep..." Grim yelps.

Then glares at Leona, "Leona! You were bullyin' him, weren't you?!"

"Now you're blaming me?" Leona questions, "You're the ones who told me to turn the contracts into sand.

Suddenly, Briar feels strong pain in her head and places her hands as she clenches it. The others turn to see Briar is experiencing pain.

"Briar, what's wrong?" Jasper asks.

Briar answers, "It's happening again. I'm feeling so many negative emotions coming from Azul."

"Negative emotions? I don't like the sound of that," Grim says.

Tanzanite worriedly says, "Do you think Azul is going to..."

"I sure hope not," Jasper says, showing concern and fear

Just then, Azul notices the twins and says, "Jade! Floyd! Ahhh, you've finally come back to me. Would you believe that thanks to these FOOLS, I've lost all of my contracts? Which is why I'm going to need your powers now. Come on, give them to me!" and is sounding mad.

But Jade says, "Hold on. Your signature spell is so powerful, it's impossible to control without a contract scroll. You know better than anyone what will happen if you do this!"

"But I lost it all, you see? Everything!" Azul says and starts maniacally laughing, "Aha ha... AHA HA HA! I'm going to revert back to my old self if I don't act now!"

And then Floyd says, "Y'know, Azul, I never saw you as lame before. But now? The way you're actin' is pretty lame."

"Floyd, don't antagonize him!" Briar cries out.

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