School Am I Right?

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"Guess whose backkkk!" I slam the door behind me, slightly out of breath.

"Diane's in the shower. Ya can go after her if ya want but we're outta warm water." Ban tells me while checking out my gas station haul of food.

"We got some good stuff. It's probably a little stale but it was pretty cheap and should last a while-" I get cut off by a tired sounding boyish voice.

"Anything's better than what you usually cook." King walks in hugging his green pillow and yawns while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Hey! That's rude." I fake pout and Elaine giggles as Diane steps out of the bathroom ready to head out the door.

"Captainnnn!!! I'm so glad you're back I missed you so muchhh!" She jumps over and tries to give me a hug but I effortlessly dodge her.

"I wasn't gone for that long Diane. Now let's get eating. Don't wanna be late on our first day at a new school~"

"Hmp. Fineeee" Diane grabs a bag of chips and the rest of us follow.

~~~~~•About 30 Minutes Later•~~~~~

Ban and I have class with Mr Hendrickson but the other sins are scattered in different classes. I suppose Elaine was gonna be in a different class no matter what since she's a grade below us but Ban still looks a little pissy about that. Every now and then I'll hear him mumble something about "stupid grade separated classes" or "she's smarter than me she should be here".

Hendrickson told us to sit wherever so we just chose the back near the windows. I'm not expecting to enjoy this class.

Suddenly the girl from this morning walks in and sits in the front row. She's still got that far away look in her eye but it doesn't seem as out of it as she was earlier.

"Elizabeth! What a lovely surprise, what are you doing here?" Hendrickson calls out to her breaking whatever trance she was in.

Her cheeks flush bright red and she says, "Oh! I'm so sorry Sir Hendrickson I must've walked into the wrong classroom..." she quickly walks out of the room, head lowered, her bangs covering most of her face.

Damn. She's gotta be real tired.

~~~~~~•About 3 Hours Later•~~~~~~

"Wake up sleeping beauty~" I hear Ban tease.

Wow, couldn't even stay awake the first day. Oof.

I follow Ban to the cafeteria to meet up with the others but we hear them before we can see them.

"Hey! Give that back it doesn't belong to you!" Elaine yells and we quicken our pace.

I don't recognize the next three voices.

"Common who still brings stuffed animals to school?"

"Yeah I mean look at this thing? It's meant for a five year old kid not a full blown high schooler."

"Maybe he's lost. This is Liones High kid. Need us to help you find your mommy?"

Ban and I find King and Elaine immediately. Three boys are tossing King's green spotted teddy bear around while King and Elaine jump trying to catch it. I sense a dangerous sharpness from Ban and elbow him slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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