5 - just studying.

Start from the beginning

"Be patient, Noel! I'm getting there! Anyways, he said that he had a massive crush on her for years, but she didn't like him back and dated his best friend instead."

His jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God. Did he kill his best friend? Is he a serial killer? Please tell me he's not a serial killer. That's a big red flag."

"No, no. He wasn't jealous. He was happy that she was happy. But he told me that I reminded him of Talia, and that's why he likes me more than the rest of you guys," I told him.

For a moment, Noel was finally silent. A grin creeping onto his face told me that it wasn't for long.

"That is so, so sweet. He was so in love, but it was unrequited! He wanted her so badly, but couldn't have her and never could after he moved! But now, there's you! A second chance, a new shot at his own romance, a talisman of his once home! I can't even!"

He resumed kicking his feet in the air.

I scoffed. "You're making it sound like a romance novel."

"It's the only way I keep myself sane in this awful town. It is fun, though. You have to admit it."

"It is a bit fun," I admitted.

"I know. Do they celebrate Thanksgiving in Ukraine?" he asked.

I stared at him blankly.

"Noel Gruber. You are one of the smartest people I know."


"Thanksgiving is only celebrated here and in America!"

His eyes widened. "Oh. It does, doesn't it! Maybe you could have Mischa over for Thanksgiving. It's only like, what? A week away?"

I nodded. "I'll think about it."


The next day, I sat with Mischa again at lunch. I may or may not have made sure to go to the bathroom and spray on a bit of perfume before doing so.

"How's school going?" I asked.

"It's alright. I really like choir. And math. Not English."

"If you ever need help with any classes, let me know. I'm not usually super busy, so I can always help you," I offered.

Mischa smiled. "Good to know. Also, there's an English test tomorrow. Could you maybe, you know...?"

"Help you? Of course. Do you know where the Blackwood Cafe is?"

He shook his head.

"It's alright. I'll just drive you there."

The bell rang, and I stood up to leave. Mischa grabbed my wrist. "One quick question."


"Is that what a 'date' is?"

My eyes widened. "No, no. Not particularly. We're just hanging out and studying."

"But it's just like Noel said," he frowned.


"Yeah. We talk sometimes before school. He said that a date is usually when a boy and a girl go and eat food at a restaurant together."

"Dates are romantic. This is just studying," I laughed.

Inside, I was not laughing. Noel? Really? He of all people shouldn't be saying that! We go out to eat all the time, and he knows it's not a date. What a hypocrite.

"Just studying," he echoed. "Not romantic."


After school, I stayed back in the chorus room to wait for Mischa. Noel, however, was plaguing me with various questions.

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