Letting Down Our Guard

Start from the beginning

"Why do we all need to be here, again?" Martyn asked, catching on quickly as Ren knew he would.

"In case we're attacked by the fugitives," Ren said. "We can't go anywhere alone. I don't want you guys getting picked off.

Skiz started digging back into the world, away from the border... and toward the name they had caught a glimpse of.

"Dig," the unmistakable voice of Grian hissed. "Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!"

"Faster," Ren whispered to his group.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Skiz growled.

They emerged inside a secret bunker: a small wheat farm, a bed, some chests. Martyn stayed back to trample the crops and break the bed while Ren and Skiz went on through a tunnel that the fugitives seemed to have forgotten to cover up.

Skiz was ahead of Ren. Ren yelled after the filthy sand hippies, telling them to stop cowering and come fight.

Finally, they got to the end of the tunnel. In a huddle were Grian, Scar, and Scott, looking scared but it seemed fake.

Ren screeched to a halt. Skiz, however, was not so lucky, and fell into the lava pit trap that Ren had to assume Grian had made.

A panic room.

>Skizzleman tried to swim in lava<

The three fugitives, now separated from the king, immediately cheered and handed out high fives to each other. Ren couldn't get to them yet. He could only roar at the loss of his soldier and friend.

So, he took some cobblestone and made a bridge over the lava pit.

The triumph on their faces dissolved. "Bad dog!" Scar yelped, fumbling with his pick. He dropped it, picked it up, and started digging.

Martyn ran down the tunnel to assist his king. But it was too late. Scott was blocking the tunnel behind them, and Ren knew they wouldn't catch up.

Ren cursed and turned around. "We're not gonna get them this time," he said. "We'll have to avenge Skiz when they come for Bdubs and Cleo."

Martyn nodded, his expression one of grief. They had lost a valuable part of the Army today.


"They're here!"

The call came from Bigb, running down the hill from his base. Ren, Etho, and Martyn were immediately alert. They were always ready for battle. And they were always ready to avenge their fallen friend.

Ren led the Army to meet the fugitives and try to shoot them while they still had the high ground. They split up, Martyn and Etho going up to Bigb's house, Ren and Bigb staying at Dogwarts. From on top of the wall, Ren looked down on the attackers.

There were three of them. Grian and Scar were gone, which was suspicious. Maybe they had been too cowardly to fight. But Scott, Tango, and Joel (with the remains of his dog army) were there. Ren knew he should have looked for Tango and Joel. But, oh well, it was too late now.

Ren looked around the base of Dogwarts for Grian and Scar. Seeing nothing, he turned his attention back to shooting down Joel's dogs so they wouldn't be as much of a threat.

Scott, Joel, and Tango were shooting back. Ren got hit by an arrow and the knockback pushed him off of the wall, causing him to lose quite a bit of health. He ate some bread, healed, and pillared back up.

Bigb hit Tango.

>Tango was shot by Bigbst4tz<

Ren cheered and smacked Bigb on the back.

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