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Rita was in the car, on the way to her office, when her cell phone began to ring. She retrieved the phone from her purse and checked the caller ID. The number was unfamiliar. A sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

"Who is it?" Jack inquired, glancing over at her.

"I-I don't know," Rita said nervously.

Jack reached out and laid his hand on her arm, squeezing gently. "Go ahead and answer it."

Taking a deep breath, Rita accepted the call. "Hello."

"Good morning, Miss Benson," a pleasant male voice said. "This is Harold Smith with Smith & Baker Funeral Home."

Rita breathed a sigh of relief. "Funeral home," she mumbled to Jack.

He nodded.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith," Rita said. "I take it you're calling in regard to Myra Woods."

"I am," Mr. Smith said. "I understand you wish to pay for her funeral. We have her body. However, I wanted to speak with you before I proceed."

Rita and Mr. Smith spoke for several minutes, making arrangements for Rita to pay a visit to the funeral home later that day. Once they were both on the same page, they said goodbye and Rita ended the call.

"Is this your first time paying for a stranger's funeral?" Jack asked her.

"No." Rita returned her phone to her purse. "I've done it once before. There was a woman staying at one of the shelters. She was-" The ringing of her cell phone interrupted what she was going to say. She removed it from her purse and glanced at the caller ID. It was Tyler. She took the call. "Hello, Ty."

"We need to talk," Tyler said. "Can you drop by my office?"

"I can later today," Rita responded.

"I need it to be now," Tyler replied. "I'm flying to LA this afternoon. It has to be now."

"You just got back from a business trip the other day," Rita pointed out. "I was hoping we could spend some-"

"Can you drop by the office or not, Rita?" Tyler demanded to know.

Rita mentally went over her schedule and said, "Yes, I'm on my way."

Tyler hung up on her.

Frowning, Rita put her phone back in her purse. "Joseph, please take me to Easton Holdings."

"Yes, Miss Rita," he said, activating the left turn signal.

"What does Tyler want?" Jack asked.

"He wants to talk," Rita answered. "What about, I have no idea. It sounded important though."

Jack slipped a hand in the inside pocket of his suit jacket and brought out his phone. "I better call Nathan and Jon, let them know there's been a change in plans."

Wondering what Tyler wanted to talk about, Rita settled against the seat and shifted her attention to the passing scenery.

"You can go in, Miss Benson," Tyler's secretary told Rita with a smile. "He's waiting for you."

"Thank you, Mya." Rita turned to Jack. "I think maybe you should stay out here. Tyler sounded like he was in a bad mood on the phone, and well, you're not one of his favorite people."

His eyes shining with amusement, Jack said, "That's a shame. Let me do a quick sweep of the office and then I'll leave you two alone."

"Is that necessary?" Rita asked.

"I'm a very thorough man, Miss Rita," Jack said. "I believe in covering all the bases."

"I see," she muttered.

Jack stepped closer to Rita and said in a low voice, "In the future, please do not question me. Everything I do is with your safety in mind. I would like for you to remember that."

"I will and I apologize," Rita said softly.

"No harm done," Jack said, smiling. "Let me go in first."

"All right," Rita said.

Jack knocked on the door, opened it, and led the way into the office.

"What are you doing in here?" Tyler sneered at him. "Get out of my office."

"Please don't interfere," Rita said. "He'll be done in a minute."

"He has no business being in here," Tyler said heatedly.

Jack ignored Tyler while he went around the room, opening doors and checking behind them. When he was done, he looked at Rita. "I'll be right outside the door, if you need me."

"Thank you," Rita said.

Jack left the room, closing the door behind him.

"All that snooping around was not necessary," Tyler snapped, his eyes flashing. "He was just doing it to piss me off."

Rita held back a sigh and dropped her purse onto one of the chairs in front of Tyler's desk. "You said we needed to talk."

"I want you to get rid of Keller and his men," Tyler said.

"There is a monster out there that wants me dead," Rita stated. "I can't go out in public unprotected."

"I'm not asking you to." Tyler loosened his tie. "Let me hire a bodyguard for you. It's no secret that I don't like Keller. He's arrogant and-"

"He's not arrogant." Rita rubbed the nape of her neck, trying to relieve the tension she felt. "I wish you would give him a chance. He's a good man, and he makes me feel safe."

Tyler narrowed his eyes at her. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"No," Rita said firmly. "I would never cheat on you, and I resent the fact that you think I would." She sighed heavily. "I don't want to have to get used to a new bodyguard. I'd prefer to keep Jack and his team."

Tyler leaned forward, rested his palms on the desktop, and eyed her intently. "I can see that my feelings mean nothing to you."

"And I can see that mine means nothing to you," Rita shot back.

"It seems we've reached an impasse," Tyler said coolly.

"I guess so." Rita folded her arms across her chest and averted her gaze.

"You have one last chance to change your mind," Tyler said, straightening up.

"And if I don't?" Rita said, arching an eyebrow at him.

"Then we're through," Tyler said.

Rita gaped at him. "You-you would break off our engagement because I refuse to get rid of Jack?"

"It's him or me," Tyler said.

Her breath catching, Rita stared at the man she had given her all to. His ultimatum filled her with a mixture of anger and pain.

"What's it going to be?" Tyler queried. "Are you going to get rid of him? Or are we finished?"

Rita slowly took off her diamond engagement ring and placed it on the desk. Swallowing hard past the lump in her throat, she picked up her purse. "I don't understand how-"

"Don't waste anymore of my time," Tyler interrupted her. "You've wasted enough of it. You can show yourself out."

"You're a bastard," Rita said through clenched teeth.

"Get out before I call security and have you thrown out," Tyler said coldly.

Without a backward glance Rita left the office.

A/N: You'll see Tyler again later on in the story. In the meantime, thank you all for your support. I appreciate it. 🙂

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