50 - The Zenith Calls

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Does anyone have anything particularly pungent?" I ask, already calculating a plan. We have far too many drained and unconscious.

"Uhhh — Leo's breath," suggests Taurus and gets slapped on the back of the head by an angry Leo.

"Very funny," I let out a few dry chuckles that fully express how much I'm not amused.

"Corrupted magic might be pungent enough," Scorpio adds, "I don't know but I'm willing to try it on Pisces." He glares at the blue–haired boy. I don't care about their bad blood, but I think I'll be trying it on Pisces instead. I think Pisces will be useful. Well, probably not, but we can hope, can't we?

"Oh — nah. You'll be fine. We're the only Corrupted elementals present, yeah?" I ask him as I glance over everyone present, my eyes skipping over a particular small blonde with electric blue and neon green highlights decorating her hair. Right, Nia's not here. Not a big loss, I'd say. Not that I'm trying to be rude. I achieve that without trying. It's just that Nia and I never got along. I was authority; Nia challenged authority. Therefore, Nia challenged me. I don't like being challenged. Therefore, I don't like Nia. Simple, and requiring no mathematics to decode, am I not right?

Scorpio glances at Ari's crumpled body supported partially by Sagittaria, whose expression looks like she's trying to convince everyone that she doesn't really want to support Ari but got stuck with him. "Where the hell is Peridot when we need her? Cemetas forbid I say we need the little tagalong."

I snort as I back up, the back of my head touching the back of his neck as I survey everything. I feel like we're the only two standing, and we aren't, but come on. How useful really is Leo, Leilani, Gemi, Vienna, Taurus, and Sagittaria? Carina's nearly unconscious herself, and okay, Vienna and Taurus have a few braincells between them but the others don't have strong magic to make up for their dumbassery. Leilani may be the head of her family, like I am, like Scorpio is, but I don't respect any inch of her.

"Why'd we need Peridot?" I ask casually as vines begin slithering softly over my skin, tightening their grip on my arm as I extend one to slap Ari on the face. I just really wanted to. I'll wake Ari up, of course, rather kindly. I won't murder him and that's all the kindness he deserves.

"Meat shield, flesh vessel, whatever," Scorpio answers conversationally. "If you thought I liked, you were wrong. She's sus." He leans toward Aquaria and blows on her face, but she doesn't twitch. Grabbing her by the chin, he pulls her chin up and douses her face in corrupted water. She jerks, coughs, opens her eyes, and aims a fresh death glare at Scorpio before stabbing the heel of her combat boot into his gut angrily.

"That worked," I mumble as I ignore his coughing and spluttering, prodding Ari's eyelids to get him to wake up faster. It's not working. "Mind slapping Pisces's face for me?"

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