28 - The Twin Queens

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Say that again, real slow so we dumbasses can understand," Nia says. And gets whacked on the shoulder by Gemi, who's still in a state of shock. I guess it's an automatic reaction.

"They have newspaper stands. On the murder investigation," Ari continues casually.

"You also didn't mention that," Nia says with exaggerated calmness, all while she stares daggers at Ari.

"I forgot," Ari says chirpily, widening his eyes in an expression that mimicks Sagittaria's innocent face.

"Let me get this right ... you forgot that the siren Queen is dead?" Nia continues in a dangerous voice.

"I —" Ari shuffles his feet. "— was planning on telling you eventually? But I kind of forgot?"

Nia sighs. "Well, this is great," she says sarcastically. "I bet the new ruler doesn't owe a debt to Miasma."

Carina didn't say a single thing during the exchange, like me. Now she slowly sidles up to Aquaria. "Aqua, honey."

"Shut up, Carina," the bluenette deadpans, her gaze suddenly fixed straight again.

Carina pokes Aquaria in the ribs. "You don't get to give me that face, like you're heartless."

"But I am," she responds coolly.

"No, you're not, and I don't like when people lie to me." It's not hard to overhear the dangerous undercurrent in Carina's voice.

Aquaria snorts and turns away. "You have nothing on me."

"Wow, honey, you underestimate me so much," Carina smirks. "I have wonderful deductive powers, you know."

Aquaria inhales a deep breath and pinches her nose. "No," she snaps.

Sagittaria perks up and begins raptly watching the interactions, which are pretty much over.

Carina keeps poking and prodding, but Aquaria actually sits down, pulls her knees up to her chest, and buries her head in her knees, signaling that she is ignoring Carina. Usually a good idea.

With Carina's overly cheerful voice silent, it feels a bit more depressing. "Miasma might be dead. Maybe the new ruler doesn't like her."

"Who is the new ruler, anyway?" Nia asks Ari, who just shrugs.

"Are you deaf or something?" snarls Caprice, beginning to pace. "You might as well tell us already!"

"Yeah, but I don't know, genius!" Ari shoots back. "Do you think I hopped out of a moving truck, picked up a newspaper, and jumped back in? What am I, Nia?"

"Hey, hey, keep me out of this," Nia holds up her hands and slowly backs away as Caprice glares angrily at Ari, momentarily tongue–tied.

"Miasma's probably not dead," Gemi says, hooking an arm around his twin's shoulders and pulling her into a forceful hug that looks more like he's restraining her before letting her go.

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