Chapter 33: Reduced to Naught

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"She's right! You're only going to make it worse," Sereia panics.

"Ooohhh, is that a fact?" Azul says, with an evil grin on his face.

He then says, "I'm just a silly little octo-twerp who can't do anything on his own."

That's why I'm going to take everyone's powers. I will rise above your perceptions. A beautiful singing voice! Powerful magics! All of it, MINE! Hand it all over at once!"

And with that, Azul continues to use his signature spell to steal more magic from the students.

Many of them scream, "Aieee...!" and scream in agony.

As Azul continues to steal and absorb more magic, the dark and grayish blue aura emerges from his body. And black ooze is being exposed from his body as well.

Seeing that, Floyd asks, "What's all that black gunk drippin' outta Azul? That...ain't ink, is it?"

He's using his signature spell too much. The blot is exceeding his cumulative tolerance! If he doesn't stop... he's going to overblot!"

Azul maniacally laughs as he sucks more magic, AAAH HAH HA! AAAAAH HA HA HA!"

And just like that, Azul becomes consumed with the blot around him as his magepen turns black. And then, Azul transformed into his overblotted form. He now has become an octopus like being of black and purple, and a little pale grayish blue. He also has what seems like seashells and a little coral on his body. He is also wearing a whorl shell necklace around his neck. His hair darkens and marks appear on his face, along with a purple mist over his left eye. And the blot appears around his body.

There is also a large and massive shadow. Of what appears to be an octopus woman, holding a black dark trident in its hands, and wears the same necklace Azul is wearing, along with a crown on the broken glass head.

Everyone is shocked to see what has become of Azul.

Grim yelps, "Myah! His legs turned into octopus tentacles!"

"So... so it's true. Azul really is an octopus," Sereia says, surprised.

Jade confirms, "That's correct. That's Azul's underwater form."

"What's that behind him? It's so big, I couldn't squeeze it if I tried!" Floyd says.

Briar looks up after experiencing the pain in her head and says, "That's the shadow of Azul's negative emotions and resulted from his over blot. This is also the result of him using so much of his magic and having so many negative emotions inside of him.

Then Leona says, "Focus on getting Azul back to his senses, and then you can do your thing."

"Yeah, otherwise we're gonna get the sea anemone treatment ourselves!" Ruggie says.

"So then, we have to fight him," Sereia says.

"That seems like our only option," Briar says, and brings out her mage pen.

"You're right. We have to give it everything we got," Tanzanite says.

"Then let's get him!" Jasper yells.

Everyone soon brings out their magepens and begin to attack Azul with their magic. Azul feels the pain of some of the magic but quickly brushes it off. Azul then swings his tentacles at them.

"Watch out!" Sereia cries out.

Leone, Ruggie, and Jasper dodge the attack.

Jasper says, "Get a taste of stone!"

And unleashes his magic to strike at Azul.

Then Tanzanite says, "Here, try some gemstones."

Tanzanite then unleashes his magic as well.

Both magic strike at Azul, but Azul continues to attack them.

Then Azul says, "Let's make a deal, you and me..."

"I'd go for it if this was the regular Azul talking, but you? Nah," Floyd answers.

"I couldn't agree more," Jade says.

"Talk about being blunt," Grim says.

"Come on, we still need to fight him," Briar says.

"And it doesn't look like they're going to give up," Ace says.

"We need to keep going, otherwise, Azul's life could be at risk," Deuce says.

"Then let's keep fighting and snap Azul back to his senses," Jack says

And with that, everyone continues to attack Azul with their magic. Azul continues to attack them using the dark trident and his tentacles, along with his out of control magic. They continue to fight Azul with full force, until he is fully weakened.

Azul then says, "Yo all just keep bullying me! Is it because I'm a slow dimwitted octopus? All I wanted was the power to get back at my bullies... I... I just wanted to..."

Soon, Azul collapses as the shadow's glass head begins cracking further and the ink begins seeping out. Briar then approaches Azul without a sense of fear and danger.

"Uh what is Little Shrimpy doing?" Floyd asks.

"Doing what she does best. Even though it's difficult to say," Deuce says.

"Just trust her, alright," Ace says.

"I see. I may not understand, but I feel that we would have to trust them," Jade says.

Briar continues to approach Azul until she is close to him. The last two times, the glass breaks and the oozing blot falls on both Azul and Briar, shocking Jade and Floyd. Grim and the others remain with serious expression, and know that Briar can help snap Azul back into his senses.

Twisted Wonderland Book 3: The Merchant from the DepthsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz