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Your point of view

I was sitting on the bike as Lucy was in a corner store buying some cigarettes, she was low, or maybe out, I donno I don't smoke

As I was waiting I took out my hand held game and started where I saved, it's a genetic adventure free roaming type of game that I like

It also has free cord charging so I can basically charge it with anything that has a battery

As I was playing I heard a group coming towards me, I press pause on the game and look over, my eyes widened from the people I saw

My ex and his lackeys, which one of them is a girl and quite pretty, I would hit that in an alternate timeline if me and Lucy weren't together

But that's just a theory

Me and him make eye contact and his eyes widened

I gave out a groan and turned back to my game when he started to call my name

"Lucifer, hey Lucifer it's me! General" he called me over

He then walked up to the bike with his friends and gave me a smile

General: "It's been a long time! How have ya been?"

He had a smile on his face, I gave him a small one in return

"I've been okay, thanks" I say

General: "Where have ya been? You haven't been at school for a real hot minute"

I rolled my eyes

"I've been around, making money, and making journeys" I say casually

I waved my hand

General leaned on the handle that was on the other side of the bike and leaned his face close up to mine

General: "Why don't we get something to chew on as we catch up? Hm?" He asked with a smirk on his face

I gave out a nod, looked back at my game, saved, turned it off, and put it back in the inside pocket of my jacket

"I'm fine, waiting for someone anyways" I say

General: "Oh? Come on, how about some other time then?" He said while leaning in more

I look to the side, avoiding his eye contact

"Yeah, sure maybe, if ya pay me"

He then gave out a chuckle

"Ouch" he said jokingly

I then hear the sound of the automatic doors opening look over to see Lucy coming out with a couple of bags in hand

We made eye contact and she walking over to me, gave me a kiss on my cheek, she then looked at the group that stood next to me

Lucy: "Who are these people?"

"Just some peeps that I used to roll with during my prep years"

Lucy: "I see..." She said as she looked at me then back at them

She then got on the bike and revved it up, General then grabbed my wrist, I look up at him

"Whatcha want now choom?"

General: "Lemme spot your number? Yeah?"

I rolled my eyes and gave it to him, I then pull my hand away and wrapped it around her waist

"Talk later, later"

Lucy then revved up the bike then sped away back to the apartment


Her Virus Lucy x femreader A Cyberpunk FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now