"Um, Corey?" I asked nervously

"Oh, sorry. I just..... I just can't believe you're actually here!" He said, giving me a warm, 

affectionate smile

"I know it's a bit of a shock. It took me a few days to figure out where I wanted to be." I replied, looking down

It suddenly occured to me that I had caused him the last few days of depression and pain.

"I'm sorry if I haven't said anything before now. You [b]really[/b] took me by suprise! I can't express how happy I am that you're here, though." He said, taking my hand in his

"Really? I thought having a couple days, you guys would have forgotten all about me." I whispered

"Blaze, we couldn't forget you. I couldn't forget you." He said, running his thumb over my hand

"In all the time I've been thinking about this, I haven't figured out how the fuck you guys just shattered the walls I had built around myself." I said, laughing nervously

"Well, Clown is really good at breaking things with his head!" Corey said, making me laugh hysterically

"I don't think it was just Clown." I said, unable to look him in the eyes

"Oh?" He said, cocking his eyebrow at me

Before I could answer, thankfully, there came a loud knock at the door. Corey sighed, heavily, which only made me laugh again. He opened up the door revealing Chris, Shawn, and Paul. They all tackled me, making me thankful I was already sitting on Corey's bed. I suppose it was the surprised look on my face, but Corey was laughing pretty hard too. Hugging the guys back I asked them to get the hell off me. They all told me how happy they were that I had decided to come on tour with them.

We chatted for a while before Corey straight up kicked them out of his room. The guys hugged me again before leaving us alone. I looked over at Corey who seemed incredibly pleased that we were alone again. He walked over to me. I thought he was gonna kiss me, but instead, he pushed me onto the bed playfully. He sort of leaped onto it and immediately began tickling me!!

I was laughing so hard I was starting to have a hard time breathing. When I started tickling him back, he stripped himself of his shirt. Oh how I love his tattoos! We were having alot of fun tickling one another and just being stupid. Suddenly I found myself laying on my back on his bed with Corey laying on top of me. We were already sweaty and out of breath. Looking up into his eyes, my heart started racing. I licked my lips subconsciously as I continued to stare at Corey.He leaned down and gently placed his lips on mine. Despite the masks he wore, his lips were very soft. I wrapped my hand around his neck, kissing him back. I've wanted this for quite some time and the few days we spent together just reaffirmed everything I thought about him. When we broke away, we just couldn't quit smiling.

"Does that mean you feel the same way I do?" He whispered, looking deep into my eyes

"I guess it depends on how you feel." I giggled

"I'm so attracted to you, I think you have an amazing personality, you like hanging out with the guys, you put up with us and our chaotic and crazy ways, and you just have this amazing aura about you....." Corey rambled

"Well, I guess we do feel the same. But you should know......" I started

He silenced me with another kiss. Oh how I could get used to this!

"What did you want to say?" He asked, moving so that I was sitting side ways in his lap

"I've never really dated before. I've always found it easier to keep people at bay than to let them get close to me and give them the opportunity to hurt me." I quietly said

"I hope we can change that! Since my divorce, I've kept women at arm's length too. But now I've found someone that I truly believe will help me learn to love again." Corey whispered in my ear

We sat there talking about our past relationships, what happened between me and my family, and his divorce. We agreed we wanted to take things slowly, really get to know one another. We even talked about me being their personal chef, cooking breakfast and dinner for the band. It was going to take us two days to get to their next gig and he was hoping to have all the equipment I would need waiting for me there.

Being wrapped up in Corey's arms, knowing that we were "together" reinforced that I had made the right decision. My life was changing and I believe it's for the better. I've left my biological family behind and have gained a whole new family. It was weird being in an actual relationship and I did feel a little out of my depth. Was this normal?

"Hey, do you want to change for bed?" Corey suddenly asked

"Yeah. I know this is kinda weird, but where am I sleeping?" I asked, digging through my suitcase for my jammies

"You're more than welcome to sleep in here with me, and I highly recommend it since the guys usually stop and board my bus early in the morning, The couches are really comfortable too." He replied, pulling into a hug

"Um, I'll try it out on the couch tonight." I laughed

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn ya!" He laughed, pulling me in for a kiss, "Would you mind if I went with you out there to watch a movie?"

"I'd love that." I replied, smiling brightly at him

A/N: That's it for this series! I hope you liked it ^_^ I know the ending kinda sucked. Please review and vote below! If you liked this, please add it to your library :)

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