Chapter 8

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** JOEY'S POV **

Since noone noticed me, I made my way up to her room. It was totally trashed. Her bed was broken in half and it didn't look like it could be fixed. One of her bureaus was broken, again beyond repair. The saddest thing was that her entertainment center was broken, along with all her entertainment. How had she lived her for so long? Did she believe she didn't deserve any better?

There weren't any pictures on the walls, which looked like they were starting to fall apart or something. I walked into what I realized was the bathroom. What a room that was! There was a wobbly sink, a toilet that was incredibly dirty and rusty at the bottom, and a shower. The shower was probably the saddest part of the entire room. She didn't have an actual shower head, only the water pipe coming out of the wall.

I walked back into the main room, finding Jakob standing there looking around too. He gave me a sad smile as I walked around. She didn't have many belongings. The TV, stereo, a CD & DVD case both filled, and the clothes she had were about all she truly owned. It was sad, really."She don't own much. Most of what she owned was broken in that fight." Jakob stated quietly"We want to help her. I know Corey is quite enamored with her and would probably give her anything she asked for." I replied, chuckling softly

"I'm glad to hear that. It eases my mind to know she's finally found someone who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated." Jakob said, leaving me alone once more

I walked back downstairs to find Corey and Blaze deep in conversation on the couch laughing. Jim slapped me on the back, grabbing my attention. We walked back to her station where Jakob was sitting. Even Jim agreed that the pair would be a good match for one another. I told him all about her room upstairs, to which he thought she'd be better off with us too. We agreed that he would talk to her and try to persuade her to join us on tour.

Jakob took Jim upstairs and showed him where she has lived for the past 7 years. Sitting in the chair by her station, I watched as my old friend and new friend seemed to be having a wonderful conversation. Her laugh was adorable and when she gave you her attention, she gave you her full attention. Her body was turned towards Corey and she didnt' seem to notice anything around her. Corey's body was turned towards Blaze and his arm was draped over the back of the couch. He was smiling and laughing and, just like Blaze, not noticing anything around him. They were so wrapped up in each other, it was sickly adorable!



I was incredibly sad. Corey and the guys were leaving today to head back out on tour. Since I'd stayed the night again, I was up making breakfast once more for the 9-some. Corey was starting to wake up, so I poured him a glass of Orange Juice and set it on the counter for him. I had a fresh pot of coffee made and awaiting the rest of the guys. Shortly after Corey woke up, Joey and Jim made their way into the living room. I handed them the beverage of their choice and finished up breakfast. Joey went to wake up the others, leaving me, Jim, and Corey alone for a moment.

"So, are you guys excited to be heading back out on the road?" I asked, forcing a smile

"Yes! But a little sad too, I think we've all enjoyed hanging out with you!" Jim said, giving me a warm smile

"I'm really gonna miss you, if you don't come with us." Corey said, sadness radiating from his 

beautiful eyes

"I think you should come on tour and be our chef!!" JIm laughed

"Ya know, Joey and I proposed that idea to her yesterday morning." Corey responded, giving me a look

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