Chapter 1

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Name: Harley but everyone calls you 'Blaze'

Age: 25

Looks: Long, jet black hair with neon purple bangs and neon blue tips; ice blue eyes, 5'2, 130 lbs, 38D breasts, curvy in all the right places

Tattoos & Piercings: Bottom lip on each side, tongue, belly button, both nipples, nose, left eyebrow; , Black and blood-red dragon on upper back;

Family: Left home when she was 16 because her step-father was abusive; rest of the family disowned her when she left;

Friends: Doesn't really have any; keeps to herself; has some acquaintances

Favorite Bands/Music: Nickelback, Slipknot, Metallica, AC/DC, Motley Crue,

Other: Lived out on the streets since she was 16 when she left home; got a job at a Tattoo/Piercing shop when she was 18 and has worked there ever since, living in the room above the shop;

SLIPKNOT:Info: Vol.3 was just released and they're touring in support of it. Corey is already divorced and they never had a child.

<....! Got it? Good.... here we go! !.....>


I was sitting behind the counter, flipping through the latest 'Tattoo World' magazine when I heard the bell over the front door ring. I looked up to see nine guys walk. I rolled my eyes, knowing my night was about to get even longer. They wandered around looking at the artwork on the walls of work we'd done in the past. I looked eyes with this tall, blue-eyed man and quickly looked away. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

The shortest guy in the group walked over, smiling at me, and said he wanted a tattoo and knew what he wanted. Handing him the necessary forms, I explained how our policy which was basically all the info I'd just handed him. He brought me the picture from the wall of what he wanted. Ushering him to the chair, I heard the others talking about what great work we've done.I was preparing the materials I'd need for this guy's tat when I heard some ruckus outside. Sighing, I told the guy I'd be right back. Walking outside I found two guys fighting. It was nothing new, it happened all the time where we were located. I "politely" asked the quarreling pair to take it elsewhere. They both scoffed at me before returning to their arguement. Taking a deep breath, I walked up to the pair and told them if they didn't leave the premises, I'd be forced to call the cops and that I didn't want to do that.

In response to me doing my duty was a slap to the face! I guess we'd have to do this the hard way! I braced myself for the fight that was inevitable and told them more forcefully to leave. The other guy spat at me and called me a 'dirty little cunt who needs to mind her own business'. That pissed me off, no one calls me a 'Cunt' and gets away with it! I pushed the guy, telling him it wasn't nice to call a girl names.


The guys and I wanted to get some new tats since we had a few days off. Joey found us a tat parlor so we headed off to find it. It didn't take us long, it was probably 6 blocks from the hotel. We walked in, making the girl behind the counter look up at us. She didn't look to pleased to see such a large group walk in. She was gorgeous and I had a hard time NOT looking at her. She caught me staring at her once, though.

Joey finally decided what he wanted and was quick to walk over and get things going. Her voice was angelic! Craig poked me in the side, grabbing my attention. We were talking about tattoos when she abruptly got up and went outside. There were 2 guys outside fighting and I assumed she was attempting to stop it.

They argued for a few minutes before 1 looked like he spit on her. It made me angry so I went to the door, ready to jump to her aid should she need it. Shawn, Paul, and Chris soon found their way to where I was standing and watching the scene before us. One guy slapped her. I was about to rush out there when Paul and Chris held me back. Balling my fists, I watched as she pushed him. He pushed her back, but instead of falling, she caught herself. He ran at her, but she moved out of the way making him fall. The guy who spat at her grabbed her by her arm and squeezed.With amazement and fascination, I watched as she back kicked the guy in the side. He let her arm go immediately. She flipped around and punched the guy in the face. Before her arm had even dropped back to her side, the other guy came up and picked her up by her waist. She squirmed for a few seconds. I thought she was going to freak, but she suprised me once again. She lifted her legs up and kicked the guy who was standing in front of her.

The guy who was holding her threw her to the ground. Jumping up quickly, she flipped around and hit the guy square in nose. The second guy came up behind her, wrapping his hands around her neck and squeezed. Once again, I tried to come to her aid and once again my bandmates and friends stopped me. I watched as the other guy hit her in the face, causing her nose to bleed. She kicked the guy in his knee and then hit the guy who was holding her with her elbow, making him let go.

She screamed at the pair to leave the premises before she called the cops. And the she kicked the guys in their knees for good measure. Neither did anything, so she turned around and walked back into the building. Joey asked if she was alright and if there was anything we could do for her. She smiled sweetly at him and said she was fine and that she was going to wash up before starting on his tat.

She seemed to be really cool, talking with Joey like they were old friends. I decided to go sit by Joey. She looked up at me and smiled. She was doing a wonderful job on Joey's tattoo, from what I could see at least. Her pale skin looked incredibly soft to the touch."Have you decided what sort of tat you want?" She asked, looking at me with piercing blue eyes you could easily get lost in

"I have, actually. It's a bit complicated though." I stated, smiling at her

"That's alright." She sweetly said

"Blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaze?" I heard this guy yell from the front door

"Hey Shorty. How's it?" She questioned, obviously knowing the guy

"Not too bad. There's a party going on at Razor's if ya wanna go." Shorty said, sitting on the counter

"I'd love to, but I'm on the first out of 9 guys I gotta tattoo. I'm gonna be awhile." She said

"Your name is Blaze?" Joey asked

"Yes, sorta. Blaze is my nickname." She replied

"More like street-name." Shorty chuckled, "So you're not gonna make it?"

"Probably not, but keep your eye open for me." She said, wiping away excess ink from my friend

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