Chapter 3

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"Blaze, go get some breakfast, clean up and get back here. I know you're tired, but I need to today." Jakob said, making me scour at him

"Dude! I need some fucking sleep!" I replied, crossing my arms across my supple chest

"I know and I am sorry. After this weekend, I'll give ya several days off. How's that?" He said, trying to bargain with me

"Fine." I said, letting Corey usher me out of the shop

"So Blaze, do you live around here?" Chris asked as we started walking towards a little cafe down the street

"I live in a small apartment above the shop." I said, giving him a small smile

"Oh! What about your family?" He questioned

"I don't have any family." I said quietly

Corey pulled me aside when we made it to the cafe. For a few moments, he just stared at me. It made me a bit uncomfortable and then I thought he was gonna kiss me.

"Um, I'm really sorry if Chris offended you with all the questions about your family and stuff. I hope you'll hang out with us later." He finally said

"I don't offend easily, so don't worry about it. I'll be at the shop all weekend except for the short 

time I'll have off to go see Motley Crue at the festival." I said quietly

"Well, do you mind if we hang out at the shop with you? You looked incredibly bored last night 

when we came it." He said, leaning his body towards me

"Not at all. Perhaps I could get some pics of you guys in the shop as sort of advertisement-ish 

stuff." I said, blushing a little

"I'll see what I can do." He said, looking into my eyes and then down at my lips and back again

"Come on guys! The waitress is waiting for you!!" Jim yelled out, bringing Corey and I out of 

whatever "thing" we'd found ourselves in

I sat down next to Joey and Corey slid in next to me. How fucking cool was this?! I'm getting to hang out with my favorite band after spending all night tattooing them!!! Shawn had me laughing at a story he was telling when the waitress walked back up with the drink orders. She took mine and Corey's order before walking away. Since we were all crammed into a booth, we were all pretty squished together. Not that I minded since I was sitting in between Joey and Corey!

Knowing that Corey was so close to me, kept my heart beating faster than normal. His arm kept brushing against mine and I think he placed his hand on my leg at one point. However, I'm not sure if it was accidental or on purpose. Not that I cared, Corey-fucking-Taylor was touching 

me!!!! That man is what wet dreams are made of ^_~

"So, what made you want to become a tattoo artist?" Jim asked me as the conversation started 

dieing down

"Necessity." I replied, taking a bite of my eggs

"Necessity? What do you mean?" Jim asked

"I left home/was kicked out when I was sixteen. For two years I just stole whatever I needed. When I was eighteen, I got a job with Jakob who taught me how to tattoo." I said

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