Think with my heart, not my head. Closing my eyes, I let everything drift away. My breathing became shallow as I sort of meditated on what I should do. Before long, in the blackness of my mind, came Corey. I smiled, knowing what I should do. Quickly, I began searching for the best deal on a flight out to Miami, where the guys would be performing next. As I was searching, I called up Robert.

Hello? This is Robert." He said

"Robert, hi, this is Blaze!" I replied

"Blaze, omg! How are you??" He said cheerfully

"I'm good. Um, I need you to do me a favor."I started

"Oh? What's that?" He asked

"I'm booking a flight right now that lands at Miami International tomorrow night at 9pm. Can you pick me up from the airport?" I asked nervously

"Absolutely! The guys are gonna be thrilled!" He exclaimed

"Robert, please don't say anything to them. I want this to be a suprise!!" I begged

"Sure thing! Email me your info and I'll be sure to pick ya up. See you tomorrow night!" He said before hanging up

This was it. There was no going back, I made my decision. Jakob was piercing the last guy who came in, so I went upstairs to look around. This had been my home for the last seven years and as crappy as it was, it did hold some fond memories for me. Jakob had always been the one to throw me birthday parties and leave me Christmas gifts. Jakob was the one to patch me up after I'd gotten into a fight, the one who comforted me and cheered me up whenever I needed it.

He came out of the room and smiled at me. He cashed the guy out and turned to me. We talked about what I'd decided and my flight tomorrow. He seemed really excited for me a nd told me that he knew I'd made the right decision. His support meant everything to me and I was quick to le thim know that! He offered to take me out drinking since he was giving me tomorrow off to pack up and do whatever I needed to do to get ready.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jakob took me out to his favorite bar. The same bar he took me to on my 21st birthday. It wasn't until we were there that I began to realize just how involved in my life he was. He was there with some of the monumental moments in my life! Jakob asked me to play pool, which I happily accepted. I loved playing pool and Jakob had done a wonderful job of teaching me how to play. One of Jakob's good friends, Kyle, arrived while we were playing our 3rd game of pool.

"Hey guys!" Kyle said cheerfully

"Hey Kyle!" Jakob said

"It's nice to see you again, Kyle!" I smiled

"Let me buy ya a shot." Kyle said, setting down a bag

Kyle waved the waitress over and started ordering shots. We were laughing as Jakob set up the next game of pool. Kyle called winner as I grabbed my pool stick and psyched myself up. Before playing we downed the shots Kyle had bought for us. It was a close game, but I won. Kyle grabbed Jakob's pool stick as I set it up.

A few games later, we'd had a few more shots, a few more mixed drinks, and were nice and tipsy. Then Jakob grabbed my attention as he sat down at our table. Kyle pulled up a seat and sat down as well. Looking between the pair, Jakob was smiling brightly.

"Well, you're starting a new chapter in your life. It's time you start documenting the things you do, especially with the group of people you're going to. So I got you a going away gift." Jakob said as Kyle handed me the package he brought in.

I opened it up to reveal a very nice, obviously expensive, camera with full accessories. Jumping up, I hugged Jakob tightly. He was such an amazing man and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay him for all he's done for me. Having a new toy, I had to immediately start playing with it! Kyle put the batteries in as I started reading the owner's manual. We got it working and I immediately started taking pictures. Jakob even had the waitress take a few pics of us as we drank and had a good time.

By the end of the night we were pretty hammered. Kyle called a cab for us when we decided to leave. Jakob had the driver drop me off at the shop before taking him home. Immediately I went to take a shower to try and sober up. The worst thing that could happen is me have a hang-over tomorrow before getting on a plane! After my shower, which did in fact sober me up a little bit, I dressed myself in my Slipknot tank and matching boy-shorts. Since I still had food in my fridge, I made myself something to eat before logging on to the shop computer.

I emailed Corey back, telling him how much I was missing him and how much I truly enjoyed hanging out with him and the guys. As I finished my snack, I was feeling the effects of the alcohol going away. Getting some rest, taking a shower as soon as I wake up, and eating well tomorrow should curb any hang-over effects I may have. Besides, I still have to pack up!! When I finished emailing Corey, I decided to reply to Joey and Jim. I told Joey that, for the first time since I was sixteen, I found myself with a best friend.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I woke up the next morning with a mild headache. Jakob was already in the shop. He smiled at me as I made my way upstairs to take a shower and get some Tylenol. After my shower, I dressed. As usual, I left my hair down and applied my normal make-up. I packed up all my clothes, which suprisingly only took up 1 large suitcase and the small suitcase. My CD's, DVD's, make-up and various other accessories took up the second large suitcase. That was it! It took me maybe an hour to pack up. Jakob came up and said he'd clean up the room and that we'd be leaving for the airport in about half an hour. I had my messenger bag with the info I'd printed out after purchasing my ticket last night, my id, wallet, and passport in it, as well as my Zune and accessories for it.

By the time we'd loaded up his Explorer, it was time to head to the airport. I was incredibly nervous but excited all at the same time. Robert had emailed me back saying that the guys would be onstage when he was picking me up from the airport and that they would be going straight from the venue back to the busses to hit the road again. Each of the guys had their own busses and he figured Corey would want me to stay on his, so that's where I would be chillin. I never realized how hard saying goodbye to Jakob was going to be until it was time.

"Jakob, you've done more for me than anyone else in my life. I will never, ever, ever forget you." I said, holding back tears

"I'll never forget you either! Always remember: you're an amazing young woman who deserves all the best from life. I love you like a daughter." Jakob said, giving me a tight hug

"I'll email you as regularly as possible." I said taking a deep breath

"I look forward to it. Take care of yourself, Sweetie." He said before giving me another hug and walking away.

We had checked in my luggage with Curb-Side Check-In so all I had was my carry-on bag. This was it. Now there really was no turning back! I watched Jakob drive away before entering the airport and finding where I was supposed to go. Hopefully this would be a pleasant suprise for the guys!! I put my headphones on and drowned myself in the music that came through the phones until my flight was called.

A/N: Please review and vote below! There's only one more chapter left in this fic. I hope you've enjoyed it thus far :)

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