Chapter 8

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  Late in the night when not even a servant wandered through the halls the princess was thrown into a violent dream. Her vision was blurry, but when she looked around all she could see were blurs of what she thought was a body with silver hair, she heard herself scream before she truly registered what happened when she saw the warm flames and felt the air turn crisp.

The person was burned alive... One of her family members was killed by a dragon. There was only one way that could happen and she knew at that moment what happened. The previous night had set in stone something that had been teetering on the edge of fate for years.

The end of everything she knew was near.


She woke up clutching her husband the same way she would years ago when she was a child afraid of said visions plaguing her every dream.

Maera could hear the breaths coming from the boy under her. She could smell the wind blowing through the open balcony doors. She could feel the sun shining through the room on her skin. And finally when she opened her eyes she could see the face of Aemond, her Aemond.

Her eyes registered first that his eye was closed. Then she came to the realization that the weight around her body was him clutching onto her. The simple thought made her heart flutter, but her heart came to a screeching stop when she reflected back to the events that transpired just the night before. She instantly started to sit up before she heard the deep sleep driven grumble from his chest and the warm arms that were wrapped around her begin to tighten.

She supposed she could stay here for a few more minutes to get some much needed sleep, not like she had a choice either way. Maera tried but couldn't fall back asleep so she let her eyes drift onto Aemonds face where they stayed for a while tracing every inch though she had already committed everything about him to memory.

She could feel herself daydreaming about what life could have been like if she and him had met without the shadow of their duties and titles. Would they still turn out to be as close as they are now? She stopped when the bad parts of the what if's began to invade her mind.

Right when she let her mind wander she felt the man beneath her begin to stir. When she felt his arms start to stretch she moved away from the warmth of his body and the comfort that came with it. Her heart wanted her to move back into his arms without hesitation, but her head was reminding her of the wrongs he made last night. She moved across the bed and settled on the end, away from the comfort his presence would normally bring her.

The bed rustled as he woke and Maera refused to make eye contact as she kept her gaze glued to the balcony. She watched as the breeze blew the sheer curtains and caused the shadows decorating the floor to dance.

She almost flinched when she heard her husband say her name, "Maera?". She couldn't respond. She at least expected herself to be able to say something or come up with a witty response, make him feel bad, something but her brain went blank and there was absolutely nothing. "Maera", Aemond repeats again and she can't take her brain and the lack of words coming to it and she begins to get up. Before her foot can touch the ground to walk away ] her arm is latched onto and she is pulled back into the warm chest she had to pry herself from moments ago.

He wraps her up with both of his arms and she almost melts into her bare body before a tear slides down her cheek and falls to his arm and she feels him go rigid. Aemond takes her at arm's length and looks her over avoiding eye contact as well until there is nothing notable that could cause tears on her body and then finally brings his eyes to her face.


He can't move when he sees the tears that have welled up in his beloved's eyes threatening to spill. This is his fault, he thinks. Lucerys may have laughed at him last night but that was all he did, laugh. If he weren't the one the joke was thrown at he himself would have joined in the laughter. But no. The second he saw someone jesting at his expense all thoughts turned to the subject of revenge.

A night that was supposed to celebrate his half sister's return as well as his nephews, turned into a night no one would forget anytime soon. Though his only priority at the moment was to fix what he broke with Maera. She was what mattered most to him.


She couldn't tell him about the vision she had, she knew the only thing it would bring was something worse than what was already set to happen so she knew then what she had to do.

"Mae..?" he tries once more in that timid voice she knows he'll never use with anyone other than her.

She lifts her head and she knows he can see she had a dream all other thoughts of the night previous vanish from both of their heads as their eyes meet. She can also see the immediate flash of guilt that he wasn't there to wake her up or comfort her after. "What happened?" The tone of his voice causes goose bumps to start forming on her arms and he didn't waste a second and brought her back against his body and into the warmth that it brought. Maera gives in this time and finally melts, his chin resting on her head.

"I-i cant take it anymore " she whispers almost quietly enough she thinks he may not hear her. He does though, like always.

He makes sure his tone is quiet so he doesn't make things even worse on her that it already is, "What is it my love?".

Her tears muffle the words. "I cant stand watching another person die wishing I could do something to stop it". His chest is wet with tears and he can't find it in him to care while he's doing his best to comfort Maera.

"I know, I know. You don't deserve the tragedies that come with your gift." He speaks into her messy hair. The hair he loves to play with as she's in the middle of something, always looking for her attention.'

The silence passes and she blurts out in a whisper. "I think I want to leave."

This time he really thinks he misheard her, "What?".

"I", she pauses, "I want to run away." Aemonds head slowly moves from hers and they both are only inches from the other not knowing where to go from the confession she just made.

Seeing his hesitation she continues, "I want to go. Not because of what happened last night, but because of what will happen in the future. I don't want to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. and I certainly don't want to raise a family like that. I want to leave and never look back. Go somewhere far away where we wont be recognised and we can live a life away from all the dangers here brings us. Things are only going to get worse if we stay and I don't want to be divided on opposite sides of the coming conflict. I only want to be on your side."

She hopes he can understand the words and what they mean and not only think about his siblings and parents, but consider her. Consider what they're futures look like if they stay here.

"I want our future and our family's future to be bright and long, and that is not what I see. All I see right now is a dark road with a plummeting cliff that we will eventually be shoved off. We need to leave. I beg you please, Aemond, if not for yourself then for me." Her eyes plead with him hoping to get past his hesitation and make him see reason.

When what feels like an eternity has passed she finally sees his mouth begin to form something and all she needs to hear is answered in the single sentence his lips have spoken. "Wherever you go I go"... "always".


-I am so sorry that this took so long for me to finish there's really no excuse but that I needed time for myself, anyways i hope you enjoy i'm so sorry again that it's really short let me know if this should be the end or if you want to see them escape and live wherever they end up ;)

Any feedback is greatly appreciated as well as new suggestions!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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