Dried Blood

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I don't know how you could hate me
I couldn't even try
And believe me, I did for a while
How could you go through with it, looking into my eyes?
Your promises to abandon us
Had me convinced the fault was mine
And believe me, I was convinced for time
How could you do that to me, looking into my eyes?

Ghost train, slow brain, no say, hoping
The floor would fall, the flood would rise, I truly gave you all my best
Your words, my hurt, heart burn, getting worse
The walls grew tall, the blood grew thick, I truly did not deserve this

I don't know why you'd hate me
Whether as a joke or a lie
I believed I was cursed before I began my life
How could you go through with it, looking into my eyes?
Your promises were deceitful
It's just so evil to convince that of a child
And believe me, I was convinced for time
How could you do that to me? I couldn't ever think to try

Ghosts again, half-faded stain, no remains, hoping
The floor would fall, the flood would rise, I truly gave you all my best
Your words, my hurt, heart burn, no return
The walls grew tall, the blood would dry, I truly did not deserve this

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