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"I need you..." 

When those few words appeared on his phone screen, he let go of whatever he was doing, and, heart pounding furiously in his chest, he raced through the house. 

Could it be… For real ? No, it was way too early! They still had a few weeks and... But what if that was it? The suitcase was ready but... Were they ready? 

He quickened his pace, trying to keep his composure, and stormed into the bedroom, his wide eyes scanning his surroundings. 

There she was, socks in hand, pouting, and looking perfectly fine and perfectly annoyed. 

His gaze never leaving her, he came towards her, took her by her shoulders, and looked at her from head to toe with his wary gaze. 

"I... you... are you okay?" 

"I can't see my feet anymore." 

She almost moaned her words and it took him a few seconds to process what she had just said. 

"You... What?" 

She sighed and pointed to her feet. 

"I can't see my feet anymore..." 



He burst out laughing. It was probably the last thing he expected. She punched him lightly in the chest. 

"It's not funny! I tried to put my socks on but I can't anymore, I almost fell over!" 

He smiled softly, his concern turning to amusement. 

She was adorable. 

Her hair had grown out and caressed her shoulders, and her belly was indeed so round that he could no longer hold her against him from the front. She was radiant and what he felt for her and for their unborn child was beyond anything he could have imagined. 

"You mean that my pilates instructor can't find a position to put her socks on?" he said teasingly. 

She threw a sock at him, which he caught in the air, laughing. 

"I'm going to help you..." 

He made her sit carefully on the edge of the bed and he knelt in front of her, taking her socks from her hands. 

"Left foot..." 

She obeyed and he began to put her socks on one after the other. As he finished, she ran her fingers through his hair. 

"Have I ever told you that you're irresistible with long hair?" 

"I have a bad memory, feel free to say it as many times as you want..." he answered cheekily.

She laughed, one hand on her stomach, and he took a mental picture of the moment. The morning sun streaming into their bedroom, playing in the reflections of her hair, surrounding her in an almost sacred halo, and this feeling of being in the perfect place at the perfect time. 

Just her and him. 

"I'm done..." he finally announces. 

She lifted her legs slightly and wiggled her toes with satisfaction. 


Before he could get up, she took his face in her hands and planted a sound kiss on his lips. 

"Just a few more weeks..." she whispered, resting her forehead against his. 

His arms naturally found their place around her, as he nodded and smiled wider. 

In a few weeks, they will be a family of three. 

It all seemed so unreal, and yet, when he felt their son's vigorous kicks, nothing could have been more real.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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