The Only One

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It was 3 a.m. and normally he would have dozed off the whole trip. 

But not today. 

He had been waiting for this moment for months and months, with apprehension, uncertainty, and a thousand questions swirling around in his head. 

He was coming back to the big screen after several years, and the pressure, the stakes, were high enough to make him nervous. If he never took anything for granted, he who usually never regretted anything had found himself wondering from time to time if he could or should have done differently for such and such a scene. 

But whenever his thoughts became too present and too heavy, he could count on the comforting presence, but also lucid and honest, of Yejin. 

He didn't hold back the smile that stretched his lips. She had supported him from the very beginning, through all the trials and all the doubts. Supporting him relentlessly, reassuring him. 

She was his rock in the storm, his light in the dark, she was everything. 

And she was probably sleeping at this hour. They had exchanged by message before the start of the event and then things had followed quickly, the interviews, the stage greetings, the photoshoots, the filming. This day seemed to have lasted forever, and, when the car pulled up in front of his house, he quietly sighed with relief. He greeted his assistant and the driver and hurried inside the building. 

He still felt high on adrenaline, and so galvanized by the enthusiasm of the public. It was only the first broadcast of course, but it was very encouraging for the future.

When he opened the door, he paused for a moment when he noticed that the light was on. 

Maybe she had forgotten to turn off when going to bed? 

He kicked off his shoes and walked forward, scanning his surroundings... 

"Congratulations !!!!!!" 

He jumped back and stared at Yejin with wide eyes. She was in her pajamas, her hair up in a bun, her belly protruding from her badly buttoned shirt, and she was smiling at him as if her presence at this late hour was completely normal. 

She was holding a cake in front of her on which he could decipher the words "CA2 fighting! Congratulations!" 


Bursting out laughing at his stunned look, she took his arm and dragged him with her to the sofa. He dropped into it, still staring at her as she placed the cake in front of him. 

"What are you doing awake?" 

"I was expecting you..." she replied most naturally. 

"But... It's very late... You should have gone to bed" 

Her smile widened and she brought her face closer to his. 

"I wanted to congratulate you... Aren't you happy to see me?" 

He couldn't help but chuckle, his fingers gently pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Of course I am, but I don't want you to be tired." 

"I took a long nap this afternoon, I feel very rested... And I'm so proud of you…"

She was looking at him with so much love that he couldn't help but lean in to kiss her. 

When he pulled away, she asked with a smile. 

"How are you feeling ?" 

"Good I think... It felt good to be back… But wait, you planned this cake before you knew how it was going to turn out?" 

"I never doubted it would be a hit!" she replied enthusiastically. 

She showed her phone. 

"I read the comments from the media and the fans and it's very positive, they loved it! I told you that people would love this film as much as you worked hard… Congratulations jagiya.. ." 

"Yes, you said so, and I'm so grateful for your trust and support.... Thank you for existing, thank you for being my best friend and my wife..." 

He didn't intend to get that emotional, but he had to admit that after such a long day, being home with the love of his life who had stayed up just to congratulate him... 

He had never felt so loved in his entire life, and it was thanks to her... 

"I have a gift for you !" 

She seemed so excited when she handed him the package that he couldn't help but laugh. Touched, he first put the package down to wrap his fingers around her jaw and pull her to him. He placed a kiss on her forehead, then on her lips. 

"Thank you..." he breathed. 

"Open it!" 

She was almost jumping with excitement at this point. He complied with a laugh. And gazed at the book lying on his lap. 

"Your shooting is starting soon, I know you're working a lot on the script and I thought it might complement what you already have..." 

He looked up at her, barely holding back the emotion that washed over him. 

Indeed, the filming was starting soon, he would even have to spend some time abroad... She could have been sad... But instead, she was encouraging him, supporting him, pushing him and believing in him like no one. 

This gift symbolized all of this, and if words couldn't express what he was feeling, he immediately took her in his arms.

"Thank you. Thank you... I love you, thank you..." 

He had dreamed of this moment. This moment when he would find a love so absolute that he would be supported and understood no matter what. This moment when he would want to support and understand someone in the same way. 

This moment when he would be sure to have found the love of his life. 

And he had no doubt, he never had since the day he realized that he was deeply in love with her.

She was the one. The only one. 

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