Lucky Charm

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I created a whole new story where I will put all my BinJin one shots, so that Life in Switzerland remain a Dooly compilation 😌 just ignore the homemade in a rush cover 🙈🙃😂
Thank you and stay safe ❤️


Hand in hand, they walked across the wide lawn and watched Kitty run around them, her tongue hanging out happily as she twirled around a butterfly.

Yejin burst out laughing when the dog tangled its legs and fell backwards, and he couldn't help but laugh as he went to help her up.

These were his favorite moments. In the evening, after a day of paperwork at the office, reuniting with Yejin and doing activities he savored the normality of.

With the frenzy that came with two movies coming, he needed an oasis of calm where he could just be Kim Tae Pyung, her husband...the father of her child...

She wore a relatively baggy red dress but he could see her baby bump every time she moved, and the pride and possessiveness he felt at that moment...She was everything he had dreamed of and beyond that, he felt lucky and would certainly never take his happiness for granted. So every moment, even a simple walk in the park, counted. It was those moments that filled him, that made him the happiest.

Once Kitty was back on her feet, Yejin straightened up and gave him a beaming smile, just before her eyes and mouth rounded and she pointed to a point in the sky behind him.

"A rainbow !"

He turned to watch the little bit of all colors appear between two clouds. It had rained, no surprise there, but her enthusiasm was contagious. He watched her take a picture with a smile, and pulled out his own phone. She glanced at him and gave that smile, that famous smile he loved so much.

"I bet my picture will be better than yours."

He had to hold back a laugh and he raised his eyebrows as he pointed his phone at the sky.

"We will see..."

She took another photo but when he was about to press on his, his phone started ringing.

With a grunt and a sigh, he looked at who was calling.

"I'm sorry I have to take this call..."

The competition forgotten, she put a hand on his arm and gave him a supportive smile.

"Don't worry about it, I understand..."

Of course she understood. She was an actress. She knew that an actor's responsibility went beyond just acting. And that movie promotion times were the most frenetic and stressful. She already considered herself happy that he freed himself so much to spend time with her.

He walked away, talking animatedly, and she continued to walk Kitty. He was exhausted, she could see it, and she wished she could do something to relieve him. The pressure increased as the release of a movie or drama approached, and even though he had done his best, he still felt a responsibility when it came to success and ratings. Her husband was someone who constantly questioned himself, and she knew that she could do nothing but be present at his side no matter what.

She looked at her feet in the wild grasses of the park, and crouched down to pick a dandelion. Her eyes wandered around and...

"OH !"

She delicately plucked a clover, the 4 leaves of which trembled in the breeze.

"Yejin! Are you okay? What's going on?"

He abandoned his call upon hearing her scream, and ran over to her, picking her up and scanning her from head to toe. She looked dumbfounded, and her face broke into a delighted smile as she looked up at something he didn't immediately recognize. He frowned, then took what she handed him.

A 4 leaf clover.

He looked at her, her eyes were shining, her cheeks were rosy and she seemed overexcited.

"I was thinking that I would like to do something to help you, and suddenly there it was! I'm sure you've never seen anything so beautiful, have you? It will be perfect in your collection!"

She stepped closer.

"And then... This will be your lucky charm for September..."

He immediately reached out and pulled her against him, hugging her and kissing her forehead, his throat suddenly tight with emotion. It was only a shamrock, an addition to his collection indeed, but it was much more than that.

Where others thought he was perfectly relaxed with regard to the release of his movies, that he was a veteran actor who was not afraid of anything, she knew.

She knew his fears, his weaknesses, his insecurities, and there she was, his pillar, his anchor, the one who grounded him when the storm of his emotions became overwhelming. Just the fact that she was thinking about a way to help him touched him beyond words. It wasn't surprising, she was his number one fan and support, but still.

When she asked him a second time if it was the most beautiful clover he had ever seen, he just nodded, not letting go.

She was the only lucky charm he needed. And even if nothing was ever certain, he knew that as long as she was by his side, everything would be fine.

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