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"And then these creepy tentacles seemed to come out of the body builder's face—" Clary rambled.

"And...and then the guy just...vaporized," Aspen cut her off. The girl ran both of her hands through her long wavy hair. "I mean, we were drugged, right?"

"What did the markings look like on the two boys that you were talking about?" Joclyn deflected, trying to get more information from her daughters.

"Who cares, mom, okay? Are you even listening to us? We might have killed people," Clary rambled, tears welling up in Aspen's eyes as she remembered her horrible actions.

"Aspen, Clary...did they look like this?" Their mother pulled out the same device that she had given to her daughter's. Running it over her forearm, a symbol suddenly appeared on her arm. The marking looking like it was burned into her skin.

"Mom, what the..." Clary let out.

"What the hell is going on?" Aspen choked out.

"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation," Jocyln got up from her seat on the couch, "And I've dreaded having this conversation with you both since the day you were born,"

"What is going on?" Aspen tried again, stammering. "Are we going insane?"

"No, you're not. But the protections are wearing off, you're eighteen now, and you need to know the truth,"

"Protections? What does that even mean?" Clary scrunched her eyebrows. "Mom, you...mom, you're scaring the hell out of me,"

Both girls slowly losing their minds at what was suddenly unfolding in front of them. "I know, and that's why I've put this off until the last possible minute," their mother stammered.

"Put what off! What have you been keeping from us?" the brown eyed girl stammered.

"Jocelyn, look out the window," Dot ran into the room, urgency lacing her words. "Magnus called to warn us. They found you.

"Dot, it's time," She said walking back to the group from the window. "Okay, listen to me, you cannot be near me,"

"What's happening?" Clary asked.

"I got a very powerful person angry,"

"What did you do?"

"I hid something from him and his followers," Jocelyn took two items out of a box, heading over to her children.

"Followers? Why can't we just call the police?" Aspen suggested.

"The policeman you need to call is Luke," Jocelyn turned Clary around, placing a necklace with a large purple stone around her neck. Turning to Aspen, she delicately slid a ring around her finger with the same purple stone. "Keep these with you and think of me when you wear them,"

"Mom, this is not the time for more birthday gifts. What the hell is happening?" Aspen fumed.

"Only if you need it," Dot joined them. Holding out a large circular glass bottle with a green liquid inside to Jocelyn.

"Trust your instincts. You're more powerful than you know," She looked between her daughters.

"Mom, I need to understand what's—" Clary tried only to be cut off by her mother.

"Dot, open it,"

A familiar blue glow came from the inside of Dot's hand. Suddenly a purple glow sprouted out of nowhere.

"Everything I've done, every mistake I've made was because I love you both more than words,"

"Mom, what are you doing?" Clary whimpered.

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