What happened again?

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A disappointed, "I think we are on our own, communication with my company is down".

"Your company? That's right, you're an assassin!" The girl yelled at Micheal.

She backed up, and picked up a magazine-less Thompson submachine gun that was laying against the souvenir case.

"You do know that that isn't loaded, right?" Micheal said questioningly

"Uhh, um, no," she replied in an embarrassed tone.

She had dropped in pain from when she was draped, and Micheal flew down to catch her.

They quickly got up.

"You're going to need a gun," Micheal said as they got up. "And that submachine gun you grabbed, it's not going to cut it for what we need."

"And why would it not work?" the girl genuinely asked.

"Well, it's big and heavy for what it is, along with a caliber that is bigger than it needs to be and is all around outdated," Micheal had said in an explanatory voice. "I just kept it from a mission for a few months ago."

"Why keep souvenirs like that from missions?" the girl had wonderingly asked.

"So I don't lose track of my missions and to remind myself to be human," Micheal had said in a quiet voice. "It's the same reason I put scratches onto my rifle stalk."



There were a few seconds of silence as Micheal looked at every mark he had on that stock, every mark from every man killed with that rifle, with his m9, and with whatever else.

"Are you ok?" his classmate had asked.

"Honestly, absolutely not, this is hard work and I don't know why they made me do this," Micheal had said in a soft voice. "Anyway, I' m gonna start you off with a submachine gun."

"I thought you said they were outdated," the inquisitive girl asked.

"That one you grabbed was, I'm letting you use a new one. It's called the P90''

He went to the back to grab the submachine gun, and came back with a P90 that appeared to have a longer than normal barrel.

"This would be the P90, you're going to learn to shoot semi, and then full auto," Micheal had said in a nearly monotone voice.

Izzy then took the small rifle, and looked at it strangely. "How is this thing operated?"

"I'll teach you that at the range, come with me"

They went to the range, and over the course of 2 hours, Micheal had gone over the rifle, and a Glock 19. Though primarily training was on the rifle.

After falling in love with the gun, Izzy asked, "Do you think I will be able to shoot the submachine gun I was holding earlier?"

Micheal replied in a teasing manner, "You mean the one you tried to shoot me with?"

"Yeah, that one," Izzy said in a semI embarrassed way

"Yeah, eventually," Micheal replied. "But not now, I taught you how to shoot with your P90, that was the big thing, now we have a hell of alot of little things for you to learn, so you can use your SMG effectively"

"Oh, and what would that be...?" Izzy responded

"Top two things would be reloading magazines and cleaning your firearm, which with both things, shouldn't take more than 35 minutes" Micheal said when he locked eyes, locked for maybe a second or 2, Micheal making the first true smile he had in a few years.

Izzy then broke the silence with a "So, shouldn't you be teaching me these things?"

Micheal responded with "Y-yeah, we should probably start," just coming out of his nearly hypnotic trance.

Micheal then showed what ammunition to use, their purposes, and how to put them into the magazine. After that, he showed Izzy how to disassemble her rifle, and clean it, even though it had been cleaned recently.

Micheal then looked at his watch. "We should lock the place down, and go to bed. Thankfully, I had built this small bunker on my own, and only I know where it is.

They went through all the rooms, and shut everything off, and locked the doors that needed to be locked.

"Soo, uhh," Micheal embracingly started.

"This bunker only has 1 bed, doesn't it?" Izzy had asked.

Micheal responded with a semi-quick "yeah."

They stood there in silence.

"You can take the bed, I' ll find some place else," Micheal told Izzy.

"Do you not even have a second mattress?" Izzy asked.

"No, no I don't," Micheal said, regretting his choices that led up to this.

"Well, it's a pretty decent sized bed, what if..." Izzy had started.

"We cut the bed in half," Micheal quickly said

"No, we share it, and just face away from each other," Izzy said, not believing Micheal had just said what he had said.

"I mean that works too," Micheal said, never being in this style of situation.

"Aren't you an assassin?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Micheal responded.

"Didn't you, uhh..." Izzy was too embarrassed to finish.

Micheal responded, saying "first, I'm still a teen, that is not something most of my targets do, 2nd, I take them out from afar."

Izzy then smirked and said "So you have never slept with anyone."

"No, I have not," Micheal stared blankly. "But anyway, we should sleep."

As Micheal walked away, Izzy pulled him to the bed with her "I' m gonna make you get comfortable with this if this is going to be how it is."

"Alright then," Micheal had said in defeat. "But I am facing away."

"Alright," Izzy responded.

She dragged Michael, looking for the bed, till she found a small twin bed. She dragged Michael onto the bed, as they laid down and got comfortable.

She then wrapped her arms around Micheal, and Micheal could feel the fear in every shake of her arms. He put his hand on her hand and whispered, "I'm here. We're safe. I know what happened today was gruesome, but you're safe now."

Izzy's tears started to fall across her face, dampening Micheal's shirt until she fell asleep, and shortly after, Micheal fell asleep as well.

When they woke up, Micheal checked his phone, and saw he had a text.

"Someone has infiltrated the company, you need to leave town, they know where your bunker is."

Micheal bolted up, and started packing a small duffle bag with clothes, food, ammunition, and a few spare magazines and handguns.

Izzy woke up. "What's going on?" Izzy said as she yawned.

Michael found an old uniform of his from when he was younger, maybe not much older then 13. He threw it at Izzy. "Put this on, it will help hide who you are, but we will need a new one for both of us soon."

They turned away from each other and changed quickly. They both new privacy was not a luxury they had.

They quickly went to Michael's garage where he chose a pickup with two motorcycles on the bed. They both got in, Micheal taking the steering wheel. Micheal threw his rifle behind the streat as Izzy kept hold of her P90. Micheal then drove them out of the garage, where an armed team was ready to ambush them. 

from hunter to huntedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz