Chapter 3 (Part 1 out of 2)

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Sunday went by fast. I went back to the flower shop on Sunday. Me and uncle Gawao were talking while he worked. I helped him out. Around 5 another girl worked in. Her name was Kaning. She got the job apparently 2 years after I left. Uncle Gawao made me introduced myself. I happen to leave out the parts that's I'm rich. I mean last time I told my so called friends that. They made me buy everything for them. Complaining that I had so much money and they barely did. I was gullible at the time so I did what they said. Until I meet Lee. I made sure uncle Gawao didn't snitch either.

It was Monday morning. I got ready into something school appropriate. Aka the school uniform. Even though the school directors informed me that I will be excused from wearing the uniform since my parents donated a ton to the school. My parents taught me to be humble. So I declined it and choose to wear it. They told me that no matter what I will still be excused. I still wore it. The maids gave me a big breakfast. I was so nervous especially finding out that they were also attending the school. After my breakfast, my driver drove me to school.

At school

When we arrived my heart started beating. My stomach had butterflies. I though about going back home. I ended up getting the courge and got out the car. I thanked the driver and paid him a big tip. I mean he always drove me. He thanked me back. I walked around the halls. BAM! I bumped into a girl. My head was throbing. The girl offered her hand and I took it.

"I'm so so sorry" she said
"No its alright I should have payed attention but I can't find my room"
"Me too. What class did you get?"
"Me too. I'm Hana what's your name"
She puts out her hand and I shake it.
"Are you new here lillie?"
"Yeah you?"
"Yeah me too"
"Lillie can we be friends?"

As soon as she said that I remembered when Ren first asked me to me my friend.

"Well Lil can we be friends?"
"Yeah why not. I don't have many boy friends"
"Well I'm your first"

"Uhh yeah yeah of course"
"Alright let's find our class"
She hooks my arm with hers and we walk into the class. I look around and see a bunch of rich kids and not the humble kind, the snobby ones. I see girls talking about their new bags they got. I look more and see a girl doing her homework. I tap Hana and point to the girl as of way of asking if we should approach the girl. She nods and we walk towards her. Me and Hana grab chairs and sit in front of the girl
"Hi I'm Hana. This is my friend Lille"
"I've just moved here today from the US." Hana says
"Yeah and I just moved here from Hong Kong" I say
Silence filled over. You could tell the girl wasn't used to being talked too. Until Hana started talking again
"What's wrong?" She asked the girl
"Nothing" the girl starts " My name is Gorya."
Hana and me give her a smile while she returns it back. Silence took over again.
"Why are you doing homework alone?" Hana asks
"I'm on an athletic scholarship here. I have to pay more attention to class than anyone else." Gorya says
"Ohhh makes sense" I say. 'At least she isn't like the snobby girls' I thought.
"Why don't you have anyone else to talk to?" Hana says. While Hana was talking most of the time . I listened trying to hear what they were saying. 'The start of a beautiful friendship.' I thought.
Gorya looks at the 3 snobby girls giggling over their new expensive bags. 'Please don't tell me she friends with them'
"Do you see those 3 girls?" Gorya asks pointing at them with her pencil.
Hana looks at them. I was already staring at them.
"They like to talk about expensive bags , they just bought, or which country will they go this summer " Gorya says in an irritated voice.
"For an international school like this one, only rich kids go here. There are not a lot of students on scholarships like me" Gorya continued.
"It's fine if you want to leave and talk to someone else. I know i cam be quite boring. "
Gorya looked at Hana and me before looking down continuing her homework. I see Hana stand up. I saw how Gorya looked almost sad. I felt bad for her. She seemed like she didn't have many friends. Until Hana came back with her pink lunchbox.
"Want a bite?" Hana asks offering me and Gorya some as she sits down again.
"I made this myself ." Hana added with a smile.
Gorya looked sorta shocked not expecting Hana to come back.
" I want to be your friend Gorya" Hana said
Gorya looks at me as she was waiting for me to say something like Hana. I guess Hana caught her look cause she said.
"I'm sure Lillie would love to be your friends too. Right Lillie?"
"Yeah yeah for sure" I say with a smile.
Gorya grabs the food from Hana and thanks her. Hana offers to me so I grab one and thank her as well.
Hana leans closer to Gorya as she whispers
"And those girls seem kind of mean"
I heard it and smiled. I mean Hana wasn't lying. Hana and Gorya burst out laughing.
"By the way, do you have any tips for a new student like me and Lillie?" Hana asks. Taking a bit of her cookie.
Gorya looks at us. Deciding if she should tell us.
"I do" She starts
"You don't know anything about this school, do you?"
Hana and me shaking our head. Only thing I know is what the teachers told me. I guess Hana took the words out my mouth cause she explained that to Gorya.
"Have you ever been bullied at your old school?" Gorya asks
Me and Hana shake our heads. Well I never experienced or really commit bullying. I know Thyme and the boys did except Ren, he was always quiet. While I protest for them to stop , they never listened. I felt bad especially when Thyme really hurt a girl in elementary school. When he called her ugly. After she tried to give him cookies. I ignored him after that until he promised he wouldn't bully anyone. Which was a lie but still.
"Or have you ever bullied someone else?" Gorya asked again. Yet me and Hana shaked our heads again.
"If you want to survive this school, you need to be on your guard first and foremost." Gorya warned us.
I looked at her confused.
"The bullying her is severe." Gorya said. Hana still seemed confused
"Bullying?" Hana asked
It became silent again until Hana asked
"Bullying in this age? At a school like this?" Hana asked. She couldn't grasp the idea.
"Because it's a school like this one. The better, safer the school seems, the more special it is."Gorya answered.
Suddenly everyone in the classrooms phone went off multiple times making me, Hana and Gorya look around. Gorya looked at us. We already were looking at her.
"At this school, there's a game." Gorya says.

Deja vu <3  F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now