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"Brad did you meet Robbie yesterday?“
Brad was busy scooping out the dried fruits from his bowl and throwing it away on the floor, I hardly slept yesterday, it was already seven in the morning and mom had already left for work, so it was just me and Brad on the table.
“Brooke, don’t forget your promise.“ Brad said with a smile on his face.
“What promise?“ I replied, he smile quickly faded away, “ice cream!!“ he screamed, “ don’t tell me you forgot.“
I slapped my head, I completely forgot about it, why did I even tell him that, I thought he would have forgotten it by now.
“Sorry, we’ll go after breakfast.“ I said
“Yay!!“ Brad shouted and jumped out of his chair and ran around the table, “ your the best!!.“
“Don’t run like that.“ I shouted, “ if you fall we’ll be using the ice cream for your wound.“
“That’s ok, I will lick it off.“

I held the phone in my hand and punched mom’s number, after a minute or two she answered it:

“Mom, when are you coming back?“

“Brooke, have you had your breakfast?“

“Yes, mom when-”

“What about Brad, did he eat or?“

“Yes, he ate listen mom-”

“Alright, then make sure to pack the cake for his lunch.“

“Mom! When are you coming?“

“Same as usual, I’ll be back in the evening, is something wrong?“

“You see, Today Brad is singing at school and Iam going there as his guardian, just wanted to let you know.“

“That’s great Brooke, you really are sweet, now I have to hang up, my boss is coming bye!“

“Brooke can we go now” Brad said, he was so excited, “ breakfast is over”
I looked at the time it was half past seven, “ok, go put on your shoes, it’s going to take a while to reach the ice cream shop.“
I locked the front door and went down the lane, the weather was surprisingly pleasant, the street was empty like in some zombie apocalypse.
We passed by Mrs. Rose house, she was sitting at the porch reading a book, I tried to ignore her and quickly walk pass her but she noticed us passing through, “hey! Little muffins.“ She called out, I gave out a sigh I really wanted to avoid her today.
“Brooke, why is that witch calling us.“ Brad said
“Hush! Brad, don’t say anything.“ I slowly turned around and gave her a smile,” hey Mrs. Rose what are you doing?“ I said.
“Oh Iam just reading my favourite book , ‘Hansel and Gretel’.“ She replied
I laughed when she said she was reading Hansel and Gretel, that book is meant for children like Brad why in the world was she reading that.
“I just love when the kids ate half of the witch’s house.“ She said laughing, “Kids really are brats.“
Brad was hiding behind me, “ Brooke what if she eats us like the witch in the story.“ He said
“Silly boy, she won’t.“
Mrs Rose tilted her head trying to catch a glimpse of Brad behind me, “ why are you hiding young man.“ She said, “ don’t worry I won’t bite you.“ and she laughed again. Brad was already terrified by her, “Brooke I want to eat the ice cream, let’s go.“ He said and pulled my shirt.
“Umm…Mrs. Rose we’re going for ice cream, so umm see you later.“ I said and quickly turned to make my way but Mrs. Rose called me again, I got irritated but surely turned back, “ I have some blueberry ice cream, you can have them it’s free.“ She said giving us a grin but Brad pulled me even harder, “ Brooke I don’t want blueberry, let’s go get chocolate.“ He said.
“Oh we do have chocolate too!! Come and have a taste.“
“Iam sorry Mrs. Rose we don’t want to trouble you we’ll just have it at the ice cream shop.“
Mrs. Rose smile faded she looked as if she was offended, “ well since neither me nor Silas eats ice cream…I was just trying to feed you.“ She said her voice slowly becoming softer as she spoke.
I gave her an awkward smile and quickly made my way towards the other side of the street as quickly as possible to the ice cream shop.
Brad ran as fast as he could to reach the shop quickly, “Brad don’t run!“ I yelled, I had to chase him down till the shop, luckily the inside of the ice cream shop was conditioned, it helped dry away the sweat, it was a good thing to have an ice cream shop in the middle of nowhere. Brad was already at the counter but there was no sign of anybody inside the shop. I went ahead towards the counter and rang the bell that was lying on it,
“Brooke, why is no one at the counter.“ Brad said, “if nobody comes can we steal some.“
“Try that and I will cut off your fingers.“
I rang the bell once again, is no one there? I then started to ring the bell continuously until the door behind the counter open and a fat man came out.
“Brooke, he looks like a plum cake.“ Brad said pointing at him,
“Hush! Brad.“ I said and quickly slapped his finger away from the man. The man just stood there staring at us, he didn’t seemed like he cared what he heard.
“Can I have two chocolate cones.“ I said
He narrowed his eyes at the fridge box and examined it. “Sorry out of stock.“ He said
“You must be mistaken” I replied, “ I see chocolate right there.“ I pointed the tray that contained the chocolate to him but he just narrowed his eyes again and said, “ sorry, that’s not for sale.“
I laughed for a while, “you must be joking right, when did ice cream shops display ice cream that are not for sale.“
“ You can choose a different flavour but leave aside the chocolate.“ He said
“Ughhh fine, give me the raspberry then.“
He quickly opened the fridge box and scooped out two scoop of raspberry ice cream in a cone and handed one to me and one to Brad.
“Plum cake.“ Brad said angrily and snatched the ice cream from his hand. The man just stood there not saying anything
“Let’s go Brad”
I licked the ice cream and the flavour melted inside my mouth, I started to savour the taste till everything was over.

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