Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning, I awoke to a letter that had been sat atop the nightstand next to my bed while I had been asleep.

How it had gotten there I was unsure, but it planted a small seed of paranoia in me, making me worry about the security of my own room.

I nervously opened it while releasing the breath that I had unconsciously been holding in, once I began to read.

           "Miss Beckett,

     Please, forgive my absence since last we met. Something, important, has come up that urgently needs my complete attention. And, as it is for now, I shall be leaving the palace for the kingdom walls immediately. Regrettably, I am not due to return until the day before Thomas's birthday celebration. But when I do, I shall make seeing you my top priority.

    I had wished to tell you all this in person, but you were sleeping so soundly that I dared not wake you.

    I have found an answer to our, problem, but would rather reveal to you the solution upon my return and once I am finally in your presence again.

   I will see you soon,


"Henry?" I thought aloud, "How did he manage to sneak into the apartment, let alone my room, without waking me or Cordelia?"

Knowing it had been Henry that had unknowingly invaded my space while I slept made me feel somewhat better about it. However, if he had done such without notice, then that meant others could have as well.

"Is something amiss, Emma?" Cordelia yawned, shaking me from my thoughts.

"No, nothing that matters." I smiled, then stood up and made my way over to the entrance of the apartment. "Just had a bad dream is all."

As I turned the knob, nothing happened and the door stayed in place, meaning it had been locked the entire night. That was, unless Henry had a key of his own that he had used to enter the room unnoticed. Though, with it being so close to Cordelia's bedroom, there was no way she wouldn't have heard him enter since she had ears like that of a dog and slept so light.

Not only that, but him making his way through the palace, and down our hall, without a soul seeing was impossible. There must have been another way that he had entered, one which at that very moment had seemed practically nonexistent.

Not soon after the both of us had wiped the sleep from our eyes and gotten ready for the day; I, and all the other suitresses, had been summoned by none other than the queen to join her and her court in the queen's room.

As I made my way down the hall, Rheda and Sheera stood at the end waiting for me so that we three could walk together.

"I am not looking forward to this." Sheera moaned. "All of her courtiers will be there, which means they will all be pushing for many of our dismissals. From behind closed doors of course."

"As do those slimy ass-kissers." Rheda chimed in, "Be careful of what you say and how you respond to their questions, Emma. Many of the remaining girls, besides us, have mothers in the queen's court, and they will do anything to shake your composure and ruin your chances if they can."

"I suppose it is a good thing that mine has yet to be invited." I chuckled to myself, only to gather raised brows from both cousins. "Forget I said that."

Though the three of us had become quite comfortable with one another, well mainly them getting to know me and me them. I had still remained chaste when it came to divulging information about myself.

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