| Cutting Tension like a Knife |

Start from the beginning

"Leo, please! I'm not in the mood to argue." You pulled your beanie down slightly, attempting to cover up your eyes.

"I've had it. I changed the plans for this exact reason. You two clearly can't get along and it's all because of stupid things you said as kids!" Raph pushed Leo away, who was leaning closely to you. "I'm leaving you two in charge of the lair and if I come back to snarky comments and insults, there will be further consequences." He growled. You winced at his angry tone, seeing Mikey and Donnie giggle in the background.

"So your way of torturing me is leaving me behind with this monster!" Leo yelled, waving his arms towards you.

"Who's the one being tortured now?" You hissed. "Why don't you go ask April to hang out with you huh? Bet you'd liked that."

Leo stood silently in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed together. "I would rather do that instead, thank you very much." Your chest skipped a beat, hearing him admit to your fear.

"Raph, we better get going." Donnie spoke up anxiously, observing you and Leo.

Raph turned around and started walking with his brothers. "Good luck you two! Don't burn the lair down!"

After a few minutes, you and Leo were left together in the loud silence before you turned around towards the exit of the sewers. Leo flinched and grabbed your wrist. "Where do you think you're going, dummy?"

"Leaving. Enjoy the rest of your day alone, Leo.  Or not, if you wanna hang with April." You felt petty and Leo knew this.

"April's busy, you know that. Plus, I'm pretty sure Donnie placed cameras around here. Look, as much I don't like this,..." Leo paused and squeezed your wrist a little tightly. "...we can just try, okay?" His soft tone caught you off guard compared to earlier. But that didn't mean that you forgot his little comments.

You freed yourself from his grip. "I'm only doing this for your brothers' sake." You walked quickly into the lair, leaving Leo by himself to process your words.


"Oh ho ho! I hope you know what's coming for you (L/N)!"

Leo attempted to shove you away from the screen, trying to distract you from your concentration on your character. You fumbled the controller in your hands but soon found yourself victorious somehow. You cheered yourself on and threw your fists in the air. "You were right, Leon, you just proved that I am simply that best at this game." Leo pouted and glared at the screen.

"Whatever! I call that more of a tie! Let's play something else I'm bored!"

You placed the controller down and placed your hands behind you. "What do you have in mind, Blue?" You knew Leo absolutely hated it when you called him that and you took clear advantage.

"Truth or Dare." Leo smirked mischievously.

"Oh I can't wait to embarrass the crap outta you." You chuckled.

"Let's see about that, human. Let's start with you shall we? Truth or Dare?" You leaned close to his face with no hesitation. "We can start slow. Truth."

"Is it true that you think Donnie's the better twin or are you just bluffing?" You never expected for him to ask that question. It almost sounded genuine.

"Wow. You've been wanting to ask that question for a while, huh Leonardo?" You made sure that Leo bought your sarcastic tone but you were being dead serious. How long has he been holding that in?

"Har hardy har. Don't answer the question please." Leo leaned his head slightly back.

"Only because you asked politely." You paused, remembering his question. "I don't have favorites, Leo. I said that just to piss you off. We were kids ya know?"

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