
"Then why are you waking me up so early?"

"Because you weren't invited!"

Dalia's lip crept up into a smile.

"It's strange, right? Why would my father not invite me when I'm the one being forced to leave?"

Raysa nodded her head.

"It's not fair right?"

Raysa nodded again.

"When did they start dining?"

"Just after I got here,"

"Raysa, prepare my gown, I have breakfast to crash."


Abbas fiddled with his bread. Ignoring the red flags, he cautiously lifted the morsel to his mouth, recited the name of God, and welcomed the coolness of the yoghurt dip. In front of him, he heard the Prince snicker. Abbas didn't bother. A reaction was what people like Prince Masood craved and he knew that all too well.

Abbas chewed it slowly, sifting through the delightful flavours for hidden agendas, and when he was sure that there were not, he gulped it down. It still felt like a rock scratching his insides. He was going to have an upset stomach for the entirety of his stay.

"I understand your hesitancy but I assure you the food is not poisoned," Prince Masood snickered in front of him.

"I can never be too careful,"

"At ease, Prince Abbas, my son is not wrong. We do not dishonour our guests using crude methods." The King affirmed, but it did nothing to relinquish his caution.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"As well as I could in a lion's den," Abbas retorted.

The King bellowed in response. "I enjoy your humour Prince but-"

Just as Abbas was about to reprimand his sharp tongue, the doors to the hall flung open, tearing his and everyone's attention from the conversation.

There was only one person in the Kingdom of Rughad who was brave enough to interrupt the King.


The Princess, in full grandiose, strode forward with her maidservant a step behind.

"Not again," Masood grumbled.

"I am extremely disappointed that you did not invite me-" she began just as she reached the wide dining table.

"Well, I did not have to since I knew you would turn up anyway."

The corner of Abbas' lips raised in response.

"Sit," The King said.

Dalia's eyes flashed between the side of her brother and the side of her enemy. She couldn't figure out which was worse.

At that moment, Abbas had chosen to look up, only to find the Princess glaring his way.

Dalia, flabbergasted that the Prince had actually looked at her, was nearly knocked off her feet. She hastily dashed to the seat by her brother and sat down. After calming herself, she glanced around the room and was surprised to find that the Prince had come alone. Not one of his men was present in the room, lurking around the edges like Masood's guards. She didn't recall any standing guard outside either.

Dalia did not know if the Prince was foolish or brave. 

"I assume you have considered the proposal since you were so eager to join us." The King continued, as they prepared her a serving.

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