Someone was humming to themselves, a rather soothing sound. However, the person humming was not quite... The gal. "Sorry for keeping you all waiting~" She showed her teeth in a malicious smile. Hands on hips and splatters of inky blood and organic remains smeared on her apron. "Guess who's next?" It was a trick question. "That's right! You." She pointed her finger at the unsurprised Aniol. Yep, he's gonna die. At least he did something good before vanishing into the endless womb of screaming voices forever.


Someone banging against metal could be heard from all over Level 9, a rather upset Stein was hitting the mechanic door to Alice's lair, but without much luck. "Alice, you stupid bitch! Answer Me! Give me back my friends!" He actually searched for Boris beforehand and found a 'lovely' note from Ms. Angel instead of his trusting buddy. That's when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He flinched, raising the axe he had found on level P to strike the person down. "Woh, woh! Stein, I get that trying to sacrifice you several times wasn't cool of me but-" Samuel dodged the attack by jumping back. "I'm pretty sure we can come to some kind of agreement!" Henry paused, staring at the inky being in distress. "Why are you here, Sam? Did he order you to get me?" Lawrence raised his hands to say 'calm down'. "I suppose my lord wouldn't mind, but I was initially here to kill the chicken." The human crocked an eyebrow before swinging his weapon again, almost cutting the prophet's mask in two. Now they were both on edge. "Leave Kim alone." Everyone's favorite musican gulped, knowing damn well what Henry was capable of. "Alright, maybe I won't kill him today... By the way there's a secret entrance to Susie's hideout, however, it's quite small and guarded by several butcher gang copies."


Someone was near his second most prized possession, 'the end' reel, the ink demon could sense it. He groaned, thinking it was just Allison and Thomas were trying to get it across the ink river again. He continued to follow the scent of his man up to level P, but only found three beings that weren't Henry. In a fit of drunken rage, he ended their lifes. Now he was coming close to the entrance of Alice's place, stalking up the stairs until he just ripped the door open. If she didn't notice him arriving on her level, she won't bat an eye if he straight up invaded her domain he thought. Bendy was convinced she stole his property, blocking out his sense of smell that told him otherwise.

Was it a bad idea to go in a trap spiked area that was specifically designed to use his own powers against him? Maybe.

Did he care? No.

Screaming could be heard the closer he got to the heart of this place. He thought it might be Stein, although he doubted that Alice would consider doing something to hurt the demon without announcing it to taunt him. He avoided several trapdoors that lead into nothing and fought his way through the army of Lost Ones that seriously believed the angel wouldn't hurt them if they complied to her every wish.

The ink demon was almost completely sober as he stood before the door leading to the origin of the yelling heard a while back. Whoever had been in pain was presumably dead now. Instead, giggling could be heard. Childish laughter, like someone just won a staring contest. It soon became crazed laughter and that was the moment where Bendy slammed the door open.

She became quiet, turning on her heel.

"Well, hello there, mister ex ruler of the studio~ Tell me," Twisted Alice spread her new wings and ascended into the air, golden blood dripping from her back. "What's it like feeling completely and utterly helpless?" She grinned from one perfectly formed ear to the other. Shit, Bendy thought. His non-visible eyes scanned the room and found the corpse of the chicken, who was now a fricassee. Under different circumstances, the ink demon would've laughed his ass off at the gory display.

The human stormed into the scene, behind him a rather worn out prophet. "Susie Campbell, get your greedy hands off-" He cried out when he saw whose lifeless body already laid on the table. "You bitch..." Stein crumbled to the floor, shaking and sobbing. He had hoped that he'd make it in time, but he was too late. He couldn't save either of his friends. Bendy wanted to comfort the man, however, taking down the bitch in question was more urgent at the time. He climbed onto the table and launched himself at her. He only caught her leg. Alice tried to shake him off, but it was no use. Slowly, he weighed her down to the floor. The angel was starting to panic, dreading that her plan had failed.


(About an hour prior to this.)

Heavy footsteps made the ground shake.
It was the Brute and it could not be stopped making its way towards the vault room.

Ripping the round door off its handles and throwing it to its right, the Brute dug its head to fit through the opening

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Ripping the round door off its handles and throwing it to its right, the Brute dug its head to fit through the opening.

All the boxes were empty, except for one.

Since this loop was different, Alice figured that the reel would still be in its former place and not snatched by the ink demon.

The Brute gargled as it felt the object it was ordered to search for.

Now it only has to get to the throne.


She won. A triumph for the angel at last.

"Bye, losers! See you on the flip side!"

And with that, everything started to shake, glow and dissolve into nothingness. Bendy let go of her and ran towards Henry and Sammy, trying to get a grip of them. But it was too late. Everything disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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