A Drunk Demon And A Flustered Man

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(Obviously not my artwork, cuz I can't draw 👌)

"Why did you leave in the first place? Did I do something wrong?"

The demon fiddled with his fingers and Henry was caught off guard by that. He had never seen Bendy like this before. So emotional. Usually, when they encountered, the twisted toon just snaps his neck. Quick and painless. One snap. Drop dead.

"No, you didn't. Joey fired me and told me to never come back or he'll either kill me or call the cops. Not both of course, that would be stupid. Haha..."

I did, Henry thought as silence filled the level. Only the butcher gang could be heard, coughing on their own spit. The animator debated whether he should step out of the miracle station or not and in the end he just kept on staring at the ink demon who glanced down at his bowtie.

"How have you been those thirty years?"

Bendy's head went up again, painfully slow. He shouldn't have drunken the old juice, it messes too much with his mind. Twenty one bottles in total. Since he's not a human he could technically consume alcohol like it's water all day and not die, but Sammy wouldn't let him.

"Honestly, it was complete shit. I was mostly stuck in a room, without any company and the moment I was out, the studio was already going downhill fast. I have spent at least half of those years desperately searching for you. Hah! I was so stupid, believing that you might return! Satan, I was naive! So naive! Haha!"

Ah, there he was, the sober Bendy. Only for some brief seconds. His booming laugh echoed through the halls, making nearby ink creatures turn their heads. Frightened. They were usually his targets, when it came to his anger issues.

"But hey, now you're actually back! You son of a bitch. Left me waiting like that~"

The man didn't know how to respond, he was deeply concerned, about what Bendy had said and the intense alcoholic smell coming from the demon's maw. Then his brain eventually started to function again.

"Hold on, you got drunk?! Is that the reason why you're communicating so openly?!"


"What do you mean 'maybe'?! I can smell the wine from inside this miracle station!"

"Wow, I wasn't aware of your high working smelling senses! Impressive!"

"Don't change the topic! You know alcohol isn't good for anyone, even for you!"

"Okay mom, I will be a good boy from now on~"

'He really doesn't take this serious, huh.' Henry thought, carefully getting out of the little safe space he was in. He wasn't afraid anymore, not fully at least.

"I know this comes sudden, but, would you like a hug? I know it doesn't make things better and-"

Bendy tightly embraced him, snuggling with his hair. The man too surprised about the sudden affection to react. After a while faint purring could be heard, which grew louder and louder as time progressed. Someone began to weakly cry, it was the human.

"Why do you have to be drunk the first time we speak again...?"

He said this more to himself than the demon, pressing his forehead against the other's collarbone. Multiple minutes past, maybe hours even, before our drunk devil let go and grabbed the man's hand. His expression seemed to have changed, but Henry couldn't make out what it was. Then Bendy lead him towards the wall from where he emerged.

"Where are we heading, bud?"

No response. The taller dragged him rather harshly through the new ink portal. Why isn't he saying anything? It got him very anxious. As they made it, the animator became the anxiety itself. A door with locks. A still open door with locks. Nothing special, however, the fact that the ink demon was practically dragging him there was not a good sign.


They stopped, with Henry's back facing the dreaded door. He wanted to turn around and shut it, but his counterpart held the human by his shoulders, probably intensely staring at him. After a short eternity something unexpected happened, Bendy pressed his wide mouth onto his. The man quietly yelped, as he had to step back a bit. That was a big mistake, he realised, because the demon used this moment to release his lips from the flustered animator and push him away, inside the room.

"I'm just making sure you're never ever gonna leave again~"


That's when the door slammed shut.

(Boy, this story sucks. Y'all REALLY want me to continue this shitty shit of a shit? 😳🔫)

Chasing After You (Benry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz