Queen Of Terror

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(The artwork above was made by @Lunatic_Loser, go check him out :) 

Old title of this chapter: She's as perfect as god could be

Also please go check this author out: @StRaWbErRyErRoR , they inspired me to change the title )

The sound of the ascending elevator made Stein wonder just how deep down they truly were back at the safehouse. He was clinching to the bars, his legs on the constant verge of giving in to his fear of this uncanny way of transportation. The man didn't know when exactly he had developed this unsettling feeling, but he was certain it formed after his first elevator drop. Yippee.


"...and what do we do when we feel like this?" Samuel asked, sitting on a box next to the occupied couch.

The demon raised his wine bottle in response.

"My lord, no!-" His warning was left ignored and another bottle was emptied. The prophet shook his head in defeat, putting his pen and paper away. How was Lawrence supposed to therapy the lunatic if all he did was drink? "My lord, could you please try to vent your feelings through words instead of liquid?" A hiccup was heard from the room, making Norman, who hid in the supply closet, giggle to himself. "I fucking had him, Sam! In my grip! And now that stupid chicken is gone! And I don't know where Henry respawned either..." Bendy's mood turned from angry to whiny in the span of a sentence. Cans dropping was heard from the pantry, but the saviourn't was too drunk to question it. "My lord, how about I chase down the chick while you attend to the more serious business?" Sammy offered, knitting his own hands in a therapeutic manner. It's like someone turned on a light bulb in the ink demon's head. He jumped up, making everyone in his radius flinch. "That's it!... I think..." He held his head, stumbling to the bar counter. Lawrence didn't like this at all, he didn't want his lord to go into a possible battle in this condition. "My lord, are you sure you can do this alone?-" Claws dug into the wooden piece of furniture. The songwriter gulped, knowing what it meant. "Good luck." He muttered as the demon sank through the cardboard floor.


On the floor.
I'm stuck in here
'cuz of a whor-"

Aniol paused, listening for potential footsteps. Strange, he thought. If this was supposed to be his punishment for wishing upon a star, he'd accept it. But now it's almost becoming boring. "Hey, I don't have all day! I should've gotten tortured an hour ago!" Silence, only occasionally coughing and whining from other prisoners. He huffed, being tied to the ceiling and floor with chains eventually starts hurting your wrists he discovered. His partners in suffering all had cuffs around their necks instead. This hall was like the waiting room for the torture chamber. "First time?" A Lost One spoke, golden scars gracing their body. Huh, so there is a chance of escaping. "Yeah... What about you?" Kim replied, trying to be nice. These were possibly his last moments anyway so he might as well. "Oh, I've been captured a lot by her, but this seems to be a thing for some. I guess she likes the thrill of hunting us down and showing mercy just as much as she loves to torment us. Unlike the other, he doesn't really do either. He only has eyes for one. You probably know who I'm talking about." He winked with his yellow glowing eye. The rest groaned in union, wishing the yakking lost soul would be next to go. The angel chuckled, finding the guy almost sympathetic. "What's your name, Mister Chatterbox?" Everyone went dead silent, which confused Kim. Did he say something wrong? Are names a no-go in here? That's when he saw what every soul was staring at. A slow yet large shadow passing through one of the hallways behind the glass. Was that...? "Damn, I thought this loop would be different! Now would you look at that!" His neighbour exclaimed, sounding off-puttingly cheerful. "What was that thing?" Aniol mouthed to the Lost One, a shiver going down his spine. "The Brute, as we like to call it..." Mister Clutterbox seemed to be in awe, disturbing the angel some more. That didn't sound very friendly to him. A metal door started creeping open when the Brute had already moved on. The souls around the teen started whaling on cue. Either for freedom or the sweet release of death, Kim wasn't certain. He stayed silent, anticipation running through his worn out body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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