The Imposter Vented ඔ

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"And why are you here anyway? You're certainly not someone who used to work here." Henry remarked, his legs starting to feel rather numb. They've been crawling for quite some time now, however Kim didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. He wasn't responding to Stein, who thought the angel just couldn't hear him. "HEY-" The young adult turned his head and gave him a very enraged look from the side. "Jesus Christ, can you be quiet? If someone hears us we're as good as dead!" Aniol loudly whispered at the animator, unintentionally hitting him with his right wing in the process. Henry couldn't tell by what he was hit, since the vents were as dark as ink. "Ouch!" The man exclaimed and stopped. "Did you just hit me?!" He rubbed his cheek in pain. "No, I didn't! That was my stupid wing! Get over yourself, you're a grown adult!" That reaction seemed a bit over the top, but who knows what Kim has been through to snap like that. Henry continued to follow the angel, who didn't stop when he did. Rude. They took a turn left and passed by a ventilation grille, Stein's heart almost dropped. He saw the silhouette of what looked terrifyingly close to Twisted Alice. "Dear god, can't you hurry up a bi-" Aniol's words stuck in his throat, as he couldn't help but stare at the shadowy figure as well.


"You know her?"

"Kind of. That bitch punched me
into the river on level 9."

"Yikes, that thing's deep."

"How the fuck would you
be able to tell?"

"I've died a million times before and falling into that river is one of my least favourite ways to respawn."

"Respawn? What are we,
in a video game?"

"...more like hell you
can't escape from."

"Huh... Why can only you respawn?"

"To be honest, I have no ide-"

"Finally, she's gone!" Kim cheered and his halo somehow glowed brighter than before. "I thought we were going back to Boris's?" The animator responded, raising an eyebrow. "Change of plans, we stop here. After all, that prude didn't pay for what she's done..." The not-so-saintly angel muttered bitterly, apperiantly wanting revenge. Henry gulped, he wasn't really in the mood to face her. She could be easily killed by the stab of a sword, he knew that very well, however, they did not possess such item. "Vengeance isn't always the solution, you kno-" He got another hit from the wing, intentionally this time. "Now I actually regret taking you with me." Did it suddenly get colder in these vents or is that just Aniol speaking? "Like, seriously, what is your fucking problem?! That's the fallen angel we're talking of! It's not about me getting payback, it's about retribution for everyone down here!" He paused and slightly bit his bottom lip. "Don't you hate her? Despise her with all your heart after seeing how many people she has on her non-existent conscience? ...didn't she make you suffer?" Stein wasn't sure, if he should reply. How could he even reply to this? It's not like he liked Susie or anything, but he didn't necessarily hate her either. "Look... Susie might be a monster down here, but... She wasn't always this way. And deep down, she's still a woman with the dream of becoming a star." Kim wasn't having any of it, however he didn't object either. "'kay, now let's see how we'll get down there without breaking our legs..."

Around five minutes later, the angel had made it safely to the ground by lowering himself out of the vent until he hung by his hands, before letting go, only falling a meter and a half to the floor in consequence.

"What are you waiting for? Are you afraid of heights or something?"

"No, actually, I'm an old man, I don't do jumping from tall things."

"Sucks to be you, I guess."


"And sucks to be me, because I
can't just leave you behind..."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be a bad person. Also, have you seen yourself? You look beyond miserable! Like a kicked puppy! Someone's gotta help you, and I guess it has to be me."

"Jeeze kid, do you always insult people like that, or are those just
the hormones in your brain talking?"

Completely ignoring the animators comment, Aniol got a better view of the room he dropped into. The room didn't own a door, which was odd, since this seemed to be a changing cubicle. Alice Angel's dressing room, he soon realized. "She really thinks Make-up is gonna save her from looking like a weathered beast, huh?" Kim picked up a vial of bloody red nailpolish and unnoticeably cringed at its sight. His gaze wandered over to the broken mirror, which belonged atop a golden dresser. The gold was fake, as much of a dud as his confidence. The angel's eyes went down and he saw a rather tiny stool. His halo shined luminous.

"Okay mister Stein, time to face your fears for the sake of my nerves!"

"That's what I'm supposed to jump on? Kim, I don't mean to disappoint, but that thing's gonna break on impact..."


"Fine! I'll just move on to the next rooms and see if there's any ladder nearby..."

"Alright, be careful out there."

"Don't tell me what to do, mom!"


The ink demon had been unconscious after overdosing the alcohol, which also lead to him having a nightmare. Bendy didn't calculate this to happen, but how could you blame him? He wasn't good in maths to begin with.

"Dear fucking Satan... Next time I might as well ram my head against a wall, would've be a more pleaseant experience!"

Now the mentally unstable ink being needed comfort, perhaps squeezing the butcher gang in a tight embrace before they could become fluid? Nah, he wanted more than that. He wanted to hug something solid. He wanted to hug Henry. Unknowing of the fact that the man was long gone, the ink demon began to walk back to his former prison.

(Over 1000 words! 😳 Damn, we're getting somewhere! And by we I mean the barley 4 people reading this 🙈)

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