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Because Lenny had wanted to be a part of the next big job, he'd agreed to do what Hosea asked before hearing what it really called for. Lenny expected to be sent on a robbery, not scouting all day in the woods. He discovered too late Hosea and Charles were of the same mind that Milton was likely gathering forces in order to soon ambush them at Beaver Hollow.

It had been hours and they were still riding, so far from camp now that he wouldn't be able to get back without direction from Charles. They were following a path, no doubt, but where it led, Lenny could only guess as Charles didn't willingly offer up any information.

They stopped and investigated a clearing just off the beaten path, Charles taking long moments to decide silently if there was enough room for the wagons to park.

Lenny waited, but eventually had to break the suffering silence, "You think moving camp will put us in the clear soon, with all this law after us?"

Charles only grunted as he returned to Taima, making it obvious they would be continuing on, their search not yet ended.

"It's sure been a crazy time," Lenny went on, wanting a conversation. "but Dutch ain't led us wrong yet."

That did elicit a reaction, but not the affirming one he was hoping for. "There's a first time for everything."

Charles wasn't the only one Lenny had heard disparage Dutch's leadership in such a way, but it surprised him to hear it all the same. It made him feel like he was missing something obvious.

"Dutch is doing his best with what we've got."

Lenny received from Charles a side look full of contempt. "His best? What was all that mix-up at the bank then? Seemed like you all had it under control and then Dutch led us into an unnecessary trap."

Maybe it'd been an odd move, especially since Lenny had been the lookout and knew no alarms had been raised of their presence until Dutch and the others had rolled into town. There was something insufferably incomplete with not seeing his and Hosea's planning play out successfully that day.

"And then his refusal to accept that the Pinkertons are nearby?"

Lenny glanced over his shoulder as if speaking of them would manifest them hot on their trail.

"You believe what you want, Lenny, but Dutch's decisions lately certainly haven't been his best."

Charles left him to stew in that statement and certain doubts filled his mind to support Dutch's increased failures as of late. His disappointment hadn't made sense when he, Charles, and Javier had rescued John without direction. Lenny had heard about the clashing Dutch had had with Charles over encouraging everyone to go up to Willard's Rest instead of Beaver Hollow.

But that was all water under the bridge now, wasn't it? Dutch had sent him, Sadie and John to rescue Arthur and the others from bounty hunters. Surely that meant they were all on the same page again.

"Charles Smith!"

Lenny, having gotten used to only the sound of nature surrounding them, startled at the sudden voice. Ahead, a man with long, black hair tied back, sitting on a white and auburn pinto, waved them down.

"Paytah," Charles greeted, his brow clearing of consternation.

Paytah met them halfway and asked, "Were you on your way up to the village?"

"Not exactly. Is there trouble?"

"There's always trouble, my friend," Paytah replied with grim acceptance. "But perhaps you will mediate between Eagle Flies and the chief?"

Charles motioned to Lenny and the two of them followed Paytah on horseback. "Over what?"

Paytah's brow darkened. "Army men stole our horses many days ago and Rains Falls refused to send out men with Eagle Flies to get them back."

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