Chapter Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" I asked as I moved the harp just enough so he would have some wiggle room.

"Lorenzo," he said so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. But I did and I went limp at that name, feelings began rising within my chest that had no business being there anymore.


I flipped through my bills for the month as I relaxed into my bed for the night. All I wanted was to lie down, relax and watch some messy reality television.

I scoffed out as I saw my bills. I felt like I was living pay check to pay check as I mentally calculated how much I had to deposit this month. Since I moved to this pack and moved out of the apartment that Ronan had been paying for me to a different one on the other side of the city, life hadn't been so rosy. His father's influence had helped me get a job as a harp teacher at a private academy.

The pay was good but it depended on how many classes I took a week and not so many people were big on the harp. I tried to get other jobs but all I could manage to get a callback for considering I was mostly undocumented because Alpha Kai had refused to hand over all my documentation was modelling.

I was living on my original identity with no verification of it. I had no qualifications. I had nothing. And I didn't want to model. If I got famous, people would dig into my past and I didn't want all of that out there. I had finally settled into a peaceful life. Albeit broke but still, peaceful.

I had applied to teach at the martial art academy but they needed paperwork which I couldn't provide. So I was stuck with a job which I loved but was called in as a favour whilst I needed more money. Every month, my money depleted quicker than the last due to cost of living in this expensive pack. Every single thing was so expensive here. I needed another job or a cheaper apartment but all the cheaper places were far away from my job and I couldn't afford to spend that much on travelling costs every day.

I had posted ads for piano, harp and martial arts training on independent websites but again, without credentials, no one trusted me enough to want to reach out to me.

Except of course - shampoo commercials. I got approached so much by model recruiters who needed a face for their shampoos. I was so broke at the moment that I was considering reaching out to them afterall.

I needed to eat something that wasn't ramen and although Ronan would be happy to help out, I didn't want to create problems between him and Indigo who lived in this pack now while attending university and didn't want Ronan speaking to me at all. I never thought that she was capable of being so possessive but she was something else. They were engaged now and had recently come to terms with their mate-bond and were actively dating and trying to get to know each other.

When my phone rang, I picked it up. It was an unknown number and I was sure it was another one of these modelling agencies again. They always managed to somehow get my number.

"Hello?" I answered, ready to agree to the hair commercial for once. As long as it wasn't nude modelling, what did I have to lose really?

"Hi," It was a man's voice on the end. "Am I speaking to Rochelle?"

"Yes, you are. Who is calling?" I asked as I paused my messy reality television.

"It's Taylor," I sat up straighter instantly without meaning to and I nearly screamed out as I sat on my hair. I needed a haircut but couldn't afford one at the moment. "My sister made me call you. I'm sorry,"

"It's okay. I know how she is," I said. Daisy was very dominant and she insisted on her way always but I loved her to death. She also worked at the private music academy part-time. She taught the violin.

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