"Good thing I don't give a shit," Kara replied with her arms crossed.

Hank threw up his hands and left but another analyst came to her side. "Ma'am, you might want to look at this," she said.

Kara watched Maxwell Lord on an interview. "Well, if it isn't my favorite asshole," Kara grinned.

"I'm just glad one men was only in the hospital, and not the morgue. The other one died because of Superwoman. We're so concerned about police brutality but what about brutality from so-called superheroes. Maybe we ought to put a body camera on Supergirl," Maxwell said in the interview.

"Yeah, bite me," Kara said to that.


Lucy Lane and James Olsen sat down at the cafe for a chat. "0930. Have to get to work.
My dad's in town. He wants to have dinner with us," Lucy said.

James spat out his coffee. "You told him no, right?"

"He's kind of a big deal," Lucy grimaced. "Can I tell him yes?"

"Well, I guess dinner with your father is better than having my ass disappear," James replied.

"Great!" Lucy said giving James a kiss and taking off. Coincidentally, Kara entered the cafe at the same time Lucy left. " Oh, hey, Kara! Thank you so much for the invite by the way. I'm really looking forward to it," she said to Kara.

"Sure, no problem," Kara said completely lost.

Kara went over to James as he was lost in contemplation. "What's up?"

"Um yeah, we'll not really. Lucy's dad is in town, he's army, like her," James said.

"So?" Kara wondered.

"Lucy wants me to have dinner with him. He's army like her. He and I don't get along," James said.

"Why not? Is it because you're Black?" Kara assumed.

"Actually no, it's because I consort with aliens," James corrected.

"You mean Mexicans?" Kara asked confused.

"No, Kara, like Superman. He thinks he's a threat to national security," James explained.

"I can agree to that," Kara nodded.

"I hope you don't mind, but I invited Lucy to game night," James said changing the subject.

"What the f*ck, James?" Kara asked outraged.

"She thinks she's good," James challenged.

"I'll kick her ass," Kara said confidently.


Cat's mom was in her office and Cat is getting annoyed by her mother. "All these televisions. How can you possibly get any work done with so much visual noise assault you?" Katherine said.

"I don't give a sh*t what you think," Cat said annoyed.

Kara strolled into the office and found Alex casually sitting. "Alex, why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you about my dad," she said seriously.

"He was my dad, too, sort of, not really," Kara said thoughtfully. "We will find your dad, I promise," she said with a lie.

"Yeah I don't believe you Kara. I need Winslow," Alex said.

"Why would anyone need Winslow?" Kara wondered.

Shortly thereafter, Alex and Kara dragged Winn into an empty office. "I need you to hack the DEO mainframe," Alex said to him.

"Absolute not. Are you two out of your mind!Breaking into the DEO mainframe, isn't that treason?" Winslow figured.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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