Red Tornado

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Kara as Superwoman flew around enjoying the wind through her hair, the sun on her face, and the peaceful atmosphere. "Kara!" Alex yelled at her through her earpiece.

"What now?" Kara grumbled.

"What's wrong? Radar picked you up out over the city? Is everything okay?" Alex said concerned.

"Fine, just came to clear my head. It's peaceful up here. Relaxing," Kara said. "Can't I fly around without it being an emergency?" She asked sarcastically.

"Not without a flight plan," Alex reminded her.

"F*ck the law," Kara replied.

Kara then heard a random exchange between two drivers down below. "You cut me off, dude," one driver said.

"Shut up," the other replied.

Not wanting to miss this, Kara swooped in and found the two drivers hitting their cars together in awesome road rage. "Hey, who taught you to drive?" the first driver questioned.

"Go to hell, you piece of sh*t," the second driver shouted.

Kara went super-sonic through the city as she approached the drivers. The two drivers coincidentally were on path to run over a dozen school children. Kara arrived just in time slamming down on their cars before they could hit the kids. The cars flipped over and crashed upside down.

"Cool!" the kids said in unison.

The kids cheered at Superwoman who smiled at them before she heard one of the drivers groan. He got out and confronted Kara. "You broke my nose," man said angrily.

"Watch where you're going next time," Kara said rolling her eyes.

"You totaled my freaking car!" he raged.

"Yeah, well, that's what insurance is for," Kara said unconcerned. "And you totaled all these kids."

"You better get out of my face, you stupid b*tch," the driver said as he tried to punch her.

Kara easily cupped his fist crushing it and twisted his wrist into a contorted position. "Do you know who the f*ck I am? I could stop your heart with one finger," Kara told the driver. "Do you see this 'S' symbol here. It means I can kick any human's ass."

The school children starting taking out their smartphones to record Kara. "I must be in a rich neighborhood," Kara figured.

One of the flipped cars suddenly exploded killing the driver inside. "*t," Kara realized.


Hank watched news reports of the car incident at the DEO. "Superwoman scares young children at a local school. Road rage and superpowers..." the news man said.

"Road rage? Seriously?" Hank wondered.

"They were about to kill a bunch of school children. I saved the day," Kara said still dressed as Superwoman. "It's always men that get crazy behind the wheel."

"That's sexist, and I'm offended," Hank told her.

"You're fucking with me, right?" Kara smirked.

"You cannot lose control like that," Hank lectured.

"When did I lose control? He attacked me first and almost killed the kids," Kara said. "Why you mad at me?"

"That's the thing Danvers, I'm not mad. I'm controlling my anger like I do every single day you're here," Hank said annoyed. " There are people out there that fear your cousin. It's not just because he has god-like powers. It's because of what he might do to them if he ever lost his temper," Hank said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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