Aunt Astra

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Superwoman flew around in the deserts of the Southwest enjoying the glorious sunshine. "I think I got a handle on this," she said pleased with herself.

Suddenly, missiles blasted her from all directions. "God dam it!" she shouted as she was hit.

Hank watched with disappointment as Kara plummeted to the ground. "Well this isn't what I expected," he muttered.

Kara got up and dusted herself off. "Is this really necessary?" she asked annoyed.

"These tests are conducted on all of our agents," Hank replied dismissively.

"Really?" Kara doubted.

"A lame-ass hero can be a liability in the field. I need to know you're in full control of your powers," Hank reasoned.

Kara sped past the camp at super-sonic speed breaking all the glass screens. Hank frowned annoyed by the damage. "She just broke the sound barrier," Alex reported.

"No sh*t," Hank grimaced. "Fire again," he ordered.

Twin missiles headed directly towards Kara. She let the missiles get close to her and then explode around her. "You're supposed to dodge them," Hank lectured.

"What's the point? They don't even hurt," Kara said as she landed.

"I see you share your cousin's appetite for wanton destruction," Hank said bitterly.

"What was I supposed to do? Gently hold them until they ran out of fuel?" Kara asked referring to the missiles.

"Don't be a smart ass," Hank told her and walked off.

Kara frowned and waited for Alex to approach her. "Is all of this really necessary?"

"The government gives us billions of dollars to blow through," Alex explained.

Kara then got a cell phone ring from her bra. "What?" she asked Winslow.

"Kara, there is a huge fire raging down at the National City port," he said urgently.

"Okay but what does that have to do with me?" Kara wondered.

"It's bad. We need reporters down there to cover it," Winslow said.

"I thought we were a gossip news organization," Kara said confused. "Fine, I'll be there soon."

"You sure you can handle it. You've been hit by missiles all day," Alex asked concerned.

"No problem," Kara smirked and flew off.

Kara landed at the Metropolis dock and met with the fire chief. "How can I help?" Kara asked.

"The ship is holding at least a million barrels of crude oil. If the fire reaches it, it will go off like a two-ton bomb," he said.

"Wicked," Kara smiled at the thought of witnessing such an explosion.

"What are you waiting for? Superman would have blown it out by now," the fire chief criticized.

"Hey, this is my first time. You get that. I'm Superwoman. You can't talk to me like that," Kara said annoyed.

"For the love of God, help us," the fire chief begged.

"I will just don't be mean next time or I won't help," Kara smiled.

Kara looked over the ship and fired her heat vision on the anchor dropping it. She then took hold of the ship and forced it out to sea. As she did, the ship ripped open dumping crude oil into the harbor. "Oops," Kara realized. The ship then exploded in a huge fireball.

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