"Welcome, I say welcome! To wrath rings annual harvest moon festival! To kick things off, we have the great Prince Stolas." Hearing Wally Wackford mention his name sent shivers down your spine. Not only from jealously but also anger. "Here to usher in this years pain games." Stolas chuckles before taking the microphone.

"How kind, Wackford. Greetings tiny wrath ring imps. I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your neighbor, that continue to feed the citizens of hell! I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skill and dominance. Good luck to you all!" He looks directly at Blitz before he continues. "Especially that sexy little one there.. yoo-hoo! Blitzyyy!" Stolas waves with a big smile on his face. You can't help but cross your arms and give an eye roll. Blitz also rolls his eyes at the action.

"Oh.. fuck me." You smirk at his words and elbow him, getting his attention.

"I already did that." You whisper and let out a giggle. You feel him squeeze your butt.

"Yeah, and we'll be doing that again." You lightly blush at his words, not realizing it caught the attention of Striker. Wally Wackford shoots his pistol, indicating that the games have started. Everyone starts running for the courses, you and Blitz beside one another. You're determined to take him down though.

First obstacle was climbing a wall. Piece of cake for you. Blitz, you and Striker climb over the wall with ease. Both you and Blitz push Striker to the side as you jump down from the wall. Unfortunately though, Moxxie fell down into water and got attacked by a shark.

"How the fuck did a shark get there?" You think to yourself, shaking your head out of your thoughts.

You quickly make your way to the next obstacle, which was tug of war. Moxxie managed to escape the shark and catch up to you guys. You, Blitz, Moxxie and Striker team up on one side while four imps team up on the other. You guys end up winning pretty easily, even with Moxxie on your team. Moxxie manages to slip and fall into the water, getting attacked by that same shark.

You all run to the next obstacle. Now you had to wrestle in the mud. You and Blitz immediately look at each other, huge smirks on both of your faces. Blitz motions you to come to him with his finger. You oblige, running towards him and tackling him into the mud.


"I say I say, for the first year ever we have a three-way tie for winner of the Harvest Moon pain games!" Wally states. Stolas takes the microphone from Wally and addresses the crowd.

"The winners are Striker, (Y/N) aaand my darling Blitzyyy!" You let out a groan as Stolas talks about Blitz, regardless you make your way onto the stage next to Striker. Blitz follows close behind.

"Just say my name right!" Blitz yells towards Stolas. "Fucking dick.." he mumbles as he stands beside you. Since Blitz is obviously frustrated you decide to grab his hand in yours, gently squeezing his hand. He looks over at you, his face immediately goes from pissed to soft. He gives you a small smile. Both you and Blitz step off the stage after given your medals for winning. Stolas looks at you with an annoyed look on his face. You just ignore it and walk off the stage. As you two walk up the bleachers that M&M are sitting on, Striker begins to address the crowd.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to sing a quick song I wrote just now about me winning." You roll your eyes at his very obvious ego. Blitz elbows you playfully.

"You were gonna fuck him." He teases, but you give him a death glare.

"I can't believe you asked him to work with us! Shits gonna be so awkward." You cross your arms.

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