There had only been two other times where I've regretted doing someone a sexual favor. One of those times had been with Charlotte, even though I had enjoyed it at the time. Fortunately I usually don't have to regret my escapades though, since the people I hook up with remain generally quiet about it, which might have something to do with the threats I sometimes administer. 

Sure, I am a bit promiscuous. So what if I like pleasing a few people every now and then? It makes me feel... in control, even though I know that that's a twisted way of looking at it. I don't let anyone touch me in return, it's strictly a one-way ordeal. I don't like being touched intimately.

Ricky breaks through my thoughts by suddenly closing in on my personal space, grabbing my arms and leaning in to kiss me. I jerk my arms out of his hold before he can plant one on me.

"What the actual fuck?!?" I exclaim furiously. He groans in frustration.

"You're such a fucking tease, you know that? Why can't you just do me this one favor?" he demands in annoyance. I scoff at him.

"Please, don't pretend that I've led you on in any way. I've been telling you for a while now that I don't want anything to do with you. Besides, as much as I despise your girlfriend, she's still your girlfriend. If she's not in the 'mood', that doesn't give you permission to go whoring around," I drone slowly, speaking as though I was explaining the ways of life to a dense child. He scowls at my tone of voice.

"Fine... I guess. I guess I'll just leave then," he sighs dramatically.

"What a brilliant idea," I snap, pointing him in the direction of the end of the tunnel. Rolling his eyes, Meat Head saunters away. When he's out of sight, I sit back down on the floor with a small breath of relief. I was shaking slightly. If he had really wanted to, he could have overpowered me, and no one would have been near enough to hear me yell.

There have been many people like Ricky, who demand sexual favors. I rarely preform them, but when I do, I always have a reason. It depends on the person, the reason, the situation... Ricky had definitely been a mistake though. 

I sit in the tunnel for a while, lost in thought and continuously shaking. Eventually I bring myself to reality and manage to stop shaking without having to resort to any less-than-healthy crutches. No drugs, no alcohol, no self harm, no violence, no people to snap me out of it. I am both surprised and pleased.

As I step into the Physics classroom, Mr. Knight stops mid-sentence.

"There you are, Miss Lock. You're twenty minutes late. Do you have a pass?" he asks, even though he knows I don't.

"Oh, yeah, totally. I would give it to you, but the unicorn I rode to class ate it. Maybe next time," I drone sarcastically. This earns a few giggles from the class, and a slight grin and eye roll from Mr. Knight. He's always been my favorite teacher.

"Just take your seat, Lock," he sighs. I grin at him.

"Sir yes sir," I salute before finding my seat. As I pass Marissa's desk, I shoot her a wink while she chuckled discreetly behind her hand.

"Anyways class, back to friction as a component of distance. Today we're going to dive into angled slopes, and how friction can be measured as a counter-force. Can anyone..." Mr. Knight continues his lesson. I lean back in my seat, eyes closed. God, this is so fucking boring.

After school, I spot Marissa as I walk to the parking lot. Noticing her unhappy expression, I approach her curiously.

"Hey Rissa, what's wrong?" I question. Her face brightens a little when she spots me.

"Oh it's nothing, it's just that Charlotte can't drive me home today. She's going out with her boyfriend," she sighs.

"I'll drive you," I respond without hesitation. Marissa looks shocked then appreciative.

"Really? That would be so fantastic," she gushes. "I don't live all that far away, but my backpack is super heavy today."

"No problem. Follow me." I direct her to my car, and we both climb in.

"Just head straight on Oakland, and take a right on Shepard," she directs meekly. I glance at her in surprise. Huh, that's the direction I live in too.

Eight minutes later, I pull up to her house. I wordlessly stare at the house. This is were Charlotte lives...

"Thank you so much Arabelle, walking would have sucked with this backpack," she say gratefully, motioning at her over stuffed backpack. "I hope that dropping me off wasn't too out of your way?"

"You live with Charlotte?" I ask quietly. She pauses in confusion.

"Uh, yeah, she's my cousin. My mom and I are staying at her family's house for a while. Why?"

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "I live right there," I reply, pointing a little down the block and across the street. Her eyes light up in excitement and humor.

"Are you serious? That's awesome!" she exclaims. I grin in return. Yes, awesome indeed.

Arabelle Lock (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now